Chapter 262   - Learning Magic

Just outside Roland City, there was a field of nicely green cut grass that went on for a few kilometres. The land was mostly flat around Roland unlike the mountains area near Avrion. Lenny, Jack and Martha decided to use this to their advantage and were currently out on the field far away from the city. Where only the three of them could be seen and the odd people walking by the pathway now and again.

"So you really want to do this?" Said Lenny.

"Yes please, I have to get stronger and I can't think of anything else but to ask you for help?" Martha said.

Lenny was in deep thought for a while. Martha who had arrived a few days ago was amazed to find out how special Lenny was. Lenny who was once also a knight at Avrion, was now quite a powerful and a well-known mage but Martha didn't know how that was possible.

Lenny was once unable to perform any magical feats but suddenly he could, and Martha wanted to know how Lenny was able to do such things, in hopes she could get stronger.

"Do you know why I was kicked out from Avrion?" Lenny asked.

"All we were told was that you had dabbled in forbidden magic," Martha replied.

"Aww yes, I suppose if they told you what happened it might encourage others to try it as well. You see it was just as you said, I was your average knight when I went to Avrion. I was nothing special and at the time to Dragon Knights were leading us into battle after battle. It was a lot worse back then, then it is now. At a young age, I was forced to go into war. You don't know how frightened I was and I was obsessed with doing everything I could do to survive, so I used the one thing I had."

Lenny then lifted up his finger and pointed to his head.

"My brain, I didn't care if it was forbidden magic, I wanted to do anything I could to survive on the battlefield. I wasn't a skilled fighter and my body had already been pushed to the limit, so that left me with one choice, magic. I was a person who always questioned the world, why were some people able to perform magic while others can't. It doesn't make sense, right?"

"Anyway, these so-called forbidden books or forbidden research was all based on one thing, how to make someone who couldn't perform magic before, perform magic."

Lenny then pulled out a basic tier beast core from his pouch and held it in his hand.

"All beast cores to some degree possess their own Mana inside. Using a magic circle, we can use this to power the items we use every day or even create powerful beast tier weapons and armour. The research suggested that if there was some way we could absorb or use the power of beast crystals in our body, then we would then be able to use magic to increase the magic inside. But forbidden magic is forbidden for a reason, there were several tests done. Creating a special liquid out of the beast core, trying to replace human body parts, imbed a crystal and magic circle inside."

As Lenny was speaking Jack started to think about what had been seen under Avrion academy. At the time the Dark guild had been doing several experiments. Delbert had been sending his own maid's and some students down to them and when they were found they had their hearts taken out.

There was also several litres of the purple liquid. Were they perhaps trying to do the same thing?

"The human body is weak and all of these things resulted in a failure, all though there was some small success. A select few had found a way to absorb the weakest of the crystals, the basic tiers, with each one they absorbed their body got stronger but then at some point, their body started to change. It seemed like they were about to evolve into something beyond human but the evolution always resulted in failure."

"Failure?" Jack asked.

"The pain was too much, it put to much stress on the human body and they would die."

"Wait, why are you telling me all this!" Martha complained. "I admit it's interesting but if all of them are failures then I can't use this method."

Lenny then started to laugh.

"Do you not see someone in front of you today who dabbled in the forbidden magic and is still alive, a weak frail boy who now can cast all types of magic without any worry." Then he pointed his finger to his chest. "To this day I am the only known Human who has been able to absorb beast crystals and survived the evolution."

Martha face lit up but then it quickly went down again. After hearing Lenny's story, it sounded like Lenny was just lucky. So many people had tried this method and not succeeded and if there was no danger to it, then why didn't Lenny spread this information to everyone.

Just then though as Martha was going to ask Lenny her question, she and Jack had received a message from the system.

From Ray:

"Are any of you guys near Lenny, I need his help immediately."

"What's wrong?" Lenny asked seeing the concerned look on her face.

"It's Ray, actually he says he needs your help with something?"

As soon as Martha replied to Ray saying Lenny was right next to her. Ray sent details of what he had been asked to do in class, then went to quickly explain what the current magic circle looked like.

"So they asked him to create a simple light magic circle that shouldn't be a problem." Lenny replied, "Tell him from the details he has given they have only provided a large circle and a slightly smaller circle inside. To complete the magic circle all Ray needs to do is draw a triangle in the centre that reaches the edges of the larger circles…" Then Lenny paused for a second.

"Wait a minute scrap that." Lenny said, "That is simply too easy, if the genius of the school was just to do something as simple as that, he would be found out. He needs to do something that will blow that teachers mind."

Lenny suddenly had a creepy smile on his face, he then told Martha to hand Ray a different set of instruction and she did as she was told.

"I wish I was there to see the teachers face for this one."