Chapter 261   - Magic Circles

The incident involving Van had been covered up and it was obvious why. Roland didn't want people to find out that they had allowed one of their students to die in the academy. Lucky for the academy, the student was just some girl from a poor village but if someone like Van had died instead, then the academy would be heavily criticized for allowing such an incident to happen.

So the next best thing to do, was to pretend that it had never happened.

The sad part was Ray was hoping after finding out what happened to Amy, he would be able to use this information to somehow bring Gary back over to his side. If the shadow was behind everything then just maybe it would rationalize Gary's thoughts. Snap him out of being in control.

But with the information he had now, it would only make Gary hate Roland even more.

When Springett had entered the room, the first thing she did was make eye contact with Ray. Immediately Ray could sense the stares, it was as if she was trying to look through him and she wasn't the only one that noticed as well.

"Whoa, what the hell did you do to mess with her?" Max asked.

"I didn't do anything," Ray replied.

But he knew why. Springett still didn't trust him after the incident that had happened with the middle-class students. Although the principal was convinced, she was not.

"Hello everyone, today I will be your tutor for this evening. Unfortunately, Del is busy making the magic teleportation circle for your upcoming exam. That is why I am here today." Said Springett, "On the subject of magic circles, that will be what we will cover in today's lesson."

Springett then went on the explain in detail about magic circles. How a magic circle was a complex thing that had to be drawn out by hand and would only work if powered by a beast crystal.

The magic circle itself was similar to casting a spell and similar to spells a beast crystal could be used to power it but at the same time mana as well.

A good example of where magic circles were used, were the devices they used in everyday life. The lights they used were powered by Beats crystals but if they were to place a beast crystal down, it would do nothing.

A magic circle would have to be drawn, it acted as a set of instructions for the beast crystal. The stronger the set instructions drawn up, the stronger the beast crystals needed to be.

Of course, the more complex the set of instructions were the more power it needed to power it. In a way, it was a type of programming language that mages had to learn and very few mages specialised in it. But everyone was required to at least know the basics.

It was always handy if a light was to go out in their homes that they could make their own and replace it.

Springett then proceeded to draw a magic circle on the screen but it looked slightly different from the examples she had shown before.

"As you can see, this is an incomplete magic circle, using the pieces of paper in front of you I would like you to complete the magic circle."

As soon as Springett gave the instructions the students had immediately gone to work. Scribbling away on their pieces of paper but at the back of the class, three students stood there staring at the paper in front of them.

"Hey Nes, why aren't you writing anything, is it too easy for you?" Max said.

This was going to be a huge problem Ray thought. His status at the school was the perfect scorer on the admissions test. If there was anything that would out the fact Ray wasn't a magician, it would be this.

"Why aren't you writing anything?" Ray asked.

"Ha, ha, well that's why I came over to you, you know my scores, they're the lowest in the class."

That's when Ray turned his head to Van hoping he had written something, however, Van was slumped in his chair with his head down still sulking about the story he had told earlier.

"It's all my fault." He mumbled.

Just then Springett started to walk around the classroom checking on everyone's magic circles they had drawn, then when she reached the last row she started smiling as she walked over to Ray. As if she knew she had caught him.

"Oh, what's this." She said lifting up Ray's blank piece of paper. "Why didn't you write anything down, it couldn't be you don't know how to fix a simple magic circle like this do you?"

That's when Max chimed in.

"No you got it wrong teacher, you see Nes here got a perfect score on the admissions test. Something that has never been done at the academy before. He just finds this too easy."

"Oh, really?" Springett said now with a huge grin on her face.

"Well, why don't you go up to the front of the class and show everyone how it's done. "

At that moment, Ray wanted to do everything in his power to strangle Max. As Ray walked up to the front of the class, Max gave him a thumbs up on his way.

Max felt like he had done Ray a service, a chance for him to show off in front of the other students, unknown to him, Ray was cursing him wishing he was dead.

While Ray started to walk up to the front of the class, he started to think. Was there anyone in the Redwings that would be able to give him the answer. Avrion was full of useless knights and although Slyvia was smart, she had no reason to ever study magic circles as they could never use magic.

As Ray got closer to the front of the class he started to panic more. Which was only making it harder for him to think about who to contact.

Then finally he had reached the front of the class.

"Go on then, show us how it's done," Springett said.