Chapter 233   - Three Temples

"I guess you didn't need our help then?" Lenny said looking at the two dead Ogres.

Although Lenny was a strong mage, even he felt like he would have struggled a little fighting against two large beasts at the same time.

Ark then started to walk other towards the beast and started to carve out its chest.

"What are you doing?" Ray asked.

"Oh I was trying to help you obtain the beast crystal, it would be a waste to leave them here, maybe we can get a good weapon out of it or even sell it for gold," Ark said.

"Don't worry about that, I have already obtained the crystals," Ray replied

"really? When I didn't see anything." Ark said.

Ray then presented his hand out and showed the two crystals he had just obtained that had been stored away in his system.

Lenny looked at Ray with suspicion. He was sure he had been watching Ray carefully during the fight but not once did he see Ray do anything indicating he had obtained the crystal. At the same time, there was no reason for Ray to lie.

It didn't make sense if he did, why would he leave the crystals behind if that was true. Lenny decided to leave the questions, for now, everyone had their fair share of secrets that they didn't want to share and that included himself.

The group continued to venture into the large hall. Even with the use of light crystals, the ceiling was too high and too wide for them to see the ends. Although the area was large the group wound not split up for fear of powerful beasts or even the fact that Gary could be down here.

Finally, after walking ahead for a while, they came across what looked like a temple. It was fairly large and there were columns holding it up but what interested Ray the most was the statue directly in front of the temple. It was the same statue of the Divine being that was underground at Avrion. Even the temple looked familiar.

"Do you know what this Is?" Jack asked.

"Yes actually," Lenny replied, "Well I have a good idea at least. There are three pieces of the divine being located in Alure kingdom. And with each one a temple built around it. One is located at Avrion, one at Kelberg and finally the last one located at Roland. Remember what I was saying earlier about gods being able to control beasts. Well, there are theories that the divine being could do that. In fact, rather than saying controlled it seemed like the beasts worshipped her."

"What are you saying? "Jack was confused by Lenny's ramblings and this wasn't the first time either.

"Well I have to remind you but this is only a theory but these temples located underground were actually built by beasts themselves. As a sign of worship to a power above them. Of course, not all beast would be happy to worship a god and there where those who were too powerful to be controlled such as dragons."

Ark started to chuckle a little built.

"Oh so you think it's funny do you?" Lenny said.

"I'm sorry, but everyone knows that dragons are but a myth." Ark said, "A tale used to scare children."

"Perhaps, but then what would you make of the artefacts such as the Dragon hammer then, and the Dragon Knights of Avrion academy. They had to get their name somewhere right?"

Ark had never thought about it before, he thought the weapons might have just been named that since they were powerful. They needed a name to strike fear into their opponents they went up against.

But now that Ark thought about it, maybe Dragons did exist at one point, if they were such things as gods and demons why not dragons, it wouldn't be the craziest thing in the world.

Unknown to the whole group that a former dragon was standing right there next to them all.

As the group moved closer to the temple, Ray felt like something sinister was up ahead. Ray started to proceed cautiously when he heard something from behind.

"Arghh what the hell!" Jack shouted.

As the group turned, they could see Jack being held upside down by what looked like a tree route. When they followed the route along, they noticed that it really was a tree. The tree was dark in colour and had no leaves but markings on its body revealed a face with a sinister look.

"They're cursed trees!" Lenny shouted, be careful don't let them grab you for their strength is monstrous."

Suddenly, multiple routes started to come out towards the group from different directions. Lenny cast magic over his fist and started to pound the roots away. While Ark was able to move swiftly avoiding the trees grabs. However, his attacks were weak and barley caused a mark on the tree's route.

Ray found it quite easy to deal with the trees as he would cast a fireball at them, but that's when Ray noticed that the tree's roots were quickly growing back.

"You must take out the Beast crystal from inside, or they will continue to grow," Lenny explained.

After hearing Lenny's words each member went into swift action. Ark managed to dodge the roots coming at him and had stabbed his sword at just the right spot damaging the crystal inside.

Ray was patient and burned the roots away until had had eventually destroyed the centre. Lucky for him once again he had obtained another crystal. He had never had much luck before.

Lenny was also able to destroy the crystal with ease. The trees were usually a difficult foe to deal with but Lenny knew their strengths and weaknesses well, allowing the group to deal with each one easily all apart from Jack that was.

The tree that had grabbed Jack had wrapped more roots around Jacks body and started to squeeze hard. Jack tried using all his strength to break free but it was impossible, the tree just wouldn't budge.

"Do you require our help?" Lenny said.

"No, I'm fine!" Jack groaned. "I can do this."

"There is no shame in asking for help," Ark said.

That's when Jack decided he had enough, his body started to slowly change, his skin had grown white silver fur and his muscles started to grow. His hands turned into sharp claws and Jack began ripping the tree to shreds.

In his werewolf form, the tree's strength was no match for Jack. Jack immediately pounced on the trees body and continually ripped away at it until it had eventually died.

"Did you really have to transform?" Lenny asked.

After Jack had finished defeating the tree, he had cancelled his transformation. The werewolf form took up a lot of energy for Jack and he still wasn't used to it.

Finally, now with nothing in the way the group approached the temple. They then had reached the front door but as they did their light crystals revealed a human figure standing in front of it.

"I've been waiting for you," Gary said as he took off his hood to reveal himself.


Special thank to Lucifer_119, Fenrir2040, Username1, Seth_Thomas, and Pekelo for the gifts they really support me on my author journey.