Chapter 232   - Looking Up

With Avrion preparing for the possible upcoming war in the future, Ray decided to teleport back to Jack, to see what was the next best course of action. When Ray arrived, he was surprised to see that the whole investigation team had already gathered and were happily drinking away in the tavern.

"Wasn't expecting you back so soon," Lenny said. "Come join us, have a drink."

Ray agreed to sit down with the others but refused to have a drink, he didn't like the taste nor did he understand why humans liked the feeling it gave them after.

"Has there been any new information about the whereabouts of Gary?" Ray asked.

"No I'm afraid not but I do have my suspicions." Lenny said, "While I was making my daily rounds around the castle, I heard the guards speaking about the garden. About how the statue had been moved and the door opened."

"Is that not where the divine being is located?" Ark said as he jumped out. "Why are you only telling us this now?"

Lenny took a huge gulp of his beer before replying.

"I only found out this information recently, and besides if Gary really had gone below do you think the three of us would be strong enough to take him? We needed to wait for Ray anyway."

"Do you think their target is the Divine being?" Ray asked.

"Possibly but I highly doubt it, the Divine being's power is strong. Although it may only be a lump of crystal at the moment, it is quite cable of defending itself. Especially against those that work for the shadow."

Ray then stood up from his seat.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's finally go pay this Divine being a visit, I have some questions of my own that I need to ask it anyway."

The group headed back to the castle as usual. Only this time they were preparing to sneak into the castle garden at night. The statue that led to the underground tunnels, was a secret kept to only those that worked at the castle. Outsiders were not to know of this.

And if they had informed the mayor that the new demon man was in his back garden, the group feared the worst. From what they had heard from Lilly and the others the mayor was a bit of a wimp.

He wasn't popular with the people until the two large guilds had arrived and luckily for him, Lilly had managed to improve his relationship with the people over time.

There were very few guards in the garden. The mayor never thought that perhaps the demon man had entered the tunnels below. What he didn't know was Gary already had information from before he was possessed of where the Divine being was located.

This was why Lenny believed that Gary had decided to go through the underground tunnels in hopes to escape the city.?With this mission, they were completing two birds with one stone. They would look for Gary while underground and see if they could find any traces, then they could also meet up with the Divine being.

The group managed to avoid being seen and Lenny cast a silencing spell on the statute before asking Jack to move it. Once they had entered the underground tunnel they started to head downwards to the stairs and finally they had reached the door.

A new lock had been placed on the door.

"We don't have the time for this," Lenny said as he placed his hand and the lock and it seemed to crumble away.

"Magic really is useful huh," Jack said

Just like with Avrion, there were multiple tunnels underneath the ground.

"Did you know all of this was here?" Ray asked Ark.

"No, I had no idea, what were these used for?" Ark asked.

"The tunnels were actually made by the beast themselves." Said Lenny. "Similar to Avrion, it is believed that some gods had the power to control beasts and do their bidding. Perhaps this was done by the shadow or dark guild or even done by the divine being herself."

The group continued to walk ahead with Ray taking the lead. Ray had no clue where he was going even with his dragon eyes. There was no indication of power what so ever. But he felt a piece of his mind was pulling his body towards something.

When the group chose one of the paths, they could hear loud footsteps ahead. The Group walked cautiously to the exit of the tunnel. They peaked their heads out to a large open empty hall, but it was too dark for them to see how big, or what was in the large space.

But what they could see, was what was making those large footsteps.

"Ogres," Lenny said.

There were two eight-foot-tall, large muscular green ogres. They had disjointed teeth and each of them held a large wooden club in its hand.

"Do you know what tier these beasts are?" Ray asked.

"Hmm, if I remember correctly, they should be of the advanced tier?" Lenny replied.

As soon as Lenny had said those words Ray went our running with his palms open.

"Ice blast, Ice blast," Ray said as Ice came out from the palm of his hands.

The ice had hit each of the ogre's foot and slightly frozen them in place. Then Ray readied his fist and punched the ogre's leg with full force causing the Ogre to topple over and slam onto the ground. Ray then quickly jumped up on the Ogre's belly ready to deal a finishing blow.

But then the other ogre had broken free and had its eyes set on Ray. It lifted its club up and slammed it down. But the ogre was far too slow for Ray. He had already jumped off avoiding the strike and instead the other ogre was hit, it was now barely breathing and hardly alive.

Ray decided to put it out of its misery and gave another blow to its head.

It had been too long since Ray had last experienced a message like this. The feeling was satisfying. It was the reason why Ray had immediately rushed out once he had heard Lenny say the words advanced tier.

It was a rare thing these days for Ray to come across an Advanced tier and Ray wasn't going to waste this opportunity.

The ogre seeing Ray kill his comrade slammed down his club once again at the tiny human. But when the ogre attempted to lift up its club, something seemed to be pulling it back as if the club was stuck. The ogre tried using all its force to pull the club but it wouldn't budge.

Then flames started to appear on the club and slowly the club burnt away to ashes.

"Fireball." Ray cast and the fireball and hit the ogre right in the face temporarily blinding the Ogre. Ray then jumped up using the ogre's knee above the beast's head and placed both his hands together before slamming it down on the ogres.

Suddenly things were starting to look up for Ray.