Chapter 341   - New Black Sashes

After the meeting had finished, each person went off to do their respective things. Slyvia went to help organise a party for both Lenny and Bliss. Soon they would be venturing into the Shadow continent to test whether or not they could cleanse the land.

Martha had gone to check up on her green sashes, and Jack had gone to see his old friend Harry. This left only Van and Ray on their own.

"Why don't you come with me," Ray said. "Who knows, maybe you can learn a thing or two about using a sword. There might be a time when you won't be able to use your magic."

Ray started to walk around the academy as currently, he was looking at possible candidates that would be able to go through the beast transformation process. Not only did their body need to be strong, but Ray also wanted to test out their skill.

Ray was his usual self as he walked around the city only this time he had his new sword with its purple feathered hilt by his side. 'Why don't I head to the black sash area first." Ray said. "I haven't been there in a while."

While walking to the black sash mansion that was located a little outside the academy, Ray explained how the recruitment process, as well as the sash system, worked. How there was a test, and depending on your results, each person would be put into a different colour.

When they finally arrived, just outside, Kyle was busy training the black sash knights. There were currently around fifteen of them running around outside each with a red tag sticking out of their back. The design made it look like some type of tail.

It looked like each of the students were trying to take the tag while making sure their own weren't taken. While ding so they would use the complex and stealthy footwork.

Kyle was overseeing each of them. Ever since his new role as Master knight and head of the black sashes, he had taken everything a lot more seriously.

"There are a lot more than when we first joined, huh?" Ray said.

"Yeah, I remember when there was only the four of…" But Kyle had stopped midway through his sentence. As he realised, only three people knew of his past.

"Ray!" He said with his eyes wide open. He then went over and gave Ray a big hug, which from the look on his face, seemed quite uncomfortable for him.

"Oh sorry," Kyle said. "I forgot you're not really into things like that. "It's been so long."

Just then, the students had stopped playing the game the tag game. as they noticed their teacher was extremely happy about seeing someone, and it was the first time they had seen Kyle act like this.

"Kyle, who's the unlucky Redhead." A student said.

Kyle immediately turned his head and gave the student a death stare. Avrion tried its best to get rid of the bad connotations associated with the colour red, but it was hard to do. Especially with the first-year students since they had come from different cities and towns.

"I should smack you in the face for what you just said, don't you know who…" As Kyle lifted his hand and the boy flinched, Ray grabbed it just in time.

"Don't worry, he's right, I am quite unlucky," Ray replied. He then whispered into Kyle's ear. "Let's try to keep who I am a secret, can you do that?"

Although Kyle never could keep a secret, he knew when one was important enough to keep.

The student pouted and kicked the ground.

"What's the big deal? I was only messing around."

"Who is he anyway, I thought the way you acted you would have had no friends." A female student said.

Kyle then cleared his throat and put out his chest as he pointed to Ray.

"Actually, this man and I used to both black sashes together, and he was one of the strongest students at the academy," Kyle said.

"Seriously, but I thought you said you were one of the strongest, and then we saw you go ahead and lose that friendly match against teacher Harry." A student said.

"You know how Master Kyle likes to exaggerate." A student whispered. "I actually heard that the number one ranked student at the time was someone named Jack."

Although the students were whispering, they weren't whispering very quietly, and with each word, Kyle was getting angrier and angrier.

"You guy's know I lost that match against Master knight Harry on purpose right? The white knights have this stubborn pride. If I was to beat him, he would have continually asked me for a rematch."

A student, then with short spikey hair walked forward who's name was Flynn. In his hands, he had a total of 7 tags. He was the clear winner of the game they had just played, and even Ray could see from his aura, he was the strongest.

"You said he used to be a black sash knight, right?" Flynn asked. "Well if he really is a black sash knight and was as strong as you say he was, why don't we play a little game?" Flynn held up the tags indicating for Ray to play with them.

"Why would Ray waste his time with you little brats." Kyle said, annoyed, "he doesn't need to prove anything to you."

"Pretty interesting, but what's in it for me?" Ray said.

"What do you mean, you get the Pride of beating all of us, the best group of Black sash knights ever at Avrion."

Kyle started to laugh nervously. "Don't listen to them Ray, they're still young, I just praised them a little, and now their heads are too big for their boots."

Ray then walked up to Flynn and looked him in the eye. The other students stepped back a little scared, but Flynn stayed there still staring him dead on.

"I like your style, although pride is not enough. If I win how about you listen to what I say, you become a personal knight of mine."

"What? Why would I want to become a personal knight of a nobody like you!" Flynn shouted.

Hearing this, Kyle was doing everything he could to hold himself back, grinding his teeth back and forth. But Ray once again held up his hand, stopping him.

"If you win, I will become a personal knight of yours. In fact, I'll even give you an advanced weapon of your own." Ray said, pointing at the one by his hilt.

Just form looking at it Flynn could tell it was high quality. He was so confident he wouldn't lose and was too tempted by Ray's offer.

"Deal!" Flynn shouted.