Chapter 314   - Slyvia's plan

A few days ago, after sending Ray the message. Ray immediately told her to come over to Roland. The capital of the Alure kingdom for a meeting. He guaranteed her that he would be able to get the queen to meet her.

But even if Slyvia was able to meet the queen in person, what could she do? Alure was only one kingdom, and the Empire was, well an Empire. When she asked Ray this, he simply said I trust you to come up with a good plan and left it at that.

On the way to Roland, she travelled with Sir K and Wilfred as her two guards. Now that the Empire was after them Von was worried that they might send assassins. He refused to let her travel without some strong people by her side.

Although Slyvia wasn't too worried. Most of the information about the Redwings were kept secret. Many kingdoms and even Alure itself didn't know that people like Wilfred and Sir K had joined the Redwings and they didn't even know what the leader looked like.

Upon entering the city, Ray had sent the location of where they would be meeting. Standing just outside one of the city's guildhall, was Jack, Martha, Lenny and Ray.

As the three got off the carriage, Sylvia's eyes were immediately attracted to Ray.

"Ray? You look so…"

"Handsome?" Martha said, "I know it surprised us too."

"I'm handsome?" Ray said, "My parents were always beautiful compared to others, but I've never been called that before. Thank you, Martha, for the compliment."

Martha then got a little red herself and looked at Slyvia who was giving her all sorts of stares.

"I'm sorry." Martha mouthed out the words making sure no one could hear her.

But Martha was right. While Slyvia hadn't seen Ray in so long, he looked like a fully grown a.d.u.l.t now. Before the two of them were around the same height, but now Ray was a fully grown man and had this sense of maturity about him.

"Well, this is awkward, isn't it?" Wilfred said as he went to shake Lenny's hand.

"It has been a long time teacher?" Lenny replied.

"Teacher?" The others looked in surprise as they had heard those words.

"Don't you remember, I told you I used to be a knight at Avrion?" Said Lenny.

But what surprised them more than anything was that Lenny was meant to be around 100 years old. If Wilfred was his teacher, then he must have been older then him.

"Will you please stop looking at me like that." Wilfred said, "I became a master knight at a young age, and Lenny was put under my squad when he was already a full-fledged knight. I can assure you Lenny is older than me."

Again as if he could read the other's mind, Wilfred gave a perfect answer. Although looking at both of them, it was still hard to tell their age. One was using Magic while the other was using Ki to slow down the ageing process.

The two of them didn't even look over fifty.

The group then headed into the guildhall and started to make their way up the stairs onto the second floor.

They were greeted by the government official in charge of the guildhall who allowed them to sit down on the sofas while some of the others stood up.

"Hey Ray, aren't you meant to be in the academy right now?" Slyvia asked, "What if the others notice you are missing?"

"Don't worry, I have taken care of that."


At the academy currently one of the lessons had just finished and it was a break time for the students.

"Hey, Nes do you want to go chill outside for a bit?" Max asked.

The clone sitting in Ray's seat turned its head and smiled.

"Do you think he's quieter than usual?" Kaito asked

"Who cares, I think he's just in a good mood he's smiling at everything," Max said. "Are you in a good mood?"

The clone looked at the two and smiled again.

"Yeah, definitely weird," Kaito said.


After waiting for a while, the queen once again arrived with her single attendant who was wearing a white robe behind her.

As she came in, she gave a little bow and greeted Ray.

"You look a little different, but I can tell it is you. Thank you for helping my son."

"Well, I guess it's time you return the favour," said Ray. "I believe you already know about the situation the Redwings are in, not a single one of the kingdoms have replied to our call for help."

"What would you like me to do?" the queen said. "I cannot put the people of the kingdom in danger, and I hope you understand that."

Ray then pointed to Slyvia who was sat down by his side.

"Please listen to what she has to say."

Slyvia then took in a deep breath before beginning to speak.

She started to explain her plan and what the redwings had planned. A response to the Empires threat and declaration of war. It was also the first time Ray was hearing of the plan as well.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this? Is there not a better way? You could also become an enemy of every kingdom if you go through with this." The queen said.

"I think it's a great plan." Ray replied, "Sooner or later, this was going to happen anyway, as long as you can complete our request, then it will be fine."

The queen sat still and thought about it for a moment. To be honest, she didn't like the plan at all, it was shifting all of the responsibility off her shoulders and letting the Redwings deal with it all. After they had already saved many Roland students, including her own son.

"Okay I can do that for you, I shall send a letter asking the other kingdoms and empires to gather. The Empire has been waiting for my response, and so have the other kingdoms, so I'm sure they will come."

Letters had been sent out from the queen to each kingdom and the Empire, and it was agreed. A meeting was to take place at Roland about the matter with the Redwings. They were to all meet in a week.


Special thanks to moosadeen3, Shurikyn_13, RedStorm_8179, Fenrir2040, jojohardball, ShiroDN and DarkShadow_DS for the gifts they really help me with the goal of becoming a full time author.