Chapter 291   - King tier Lion

The lion was a similar size to Noir but at the same time, they looked nothing alike. The fire around the beast's neck shined brightly and even Ray could feel the heat emitting from it standing form where he was.

Even though Ray had just received the fire resistance skill going up against a fire beast was not good for him. Most of his powerful magic attacks were fire spells due to how high his fire attribute skill was.

But using fire spells against a beast that was partly made of fire, Ray just couldn't see it going well.

As the beast starred at Ray it yelled out in a massive roar. It was so loud that the beasts in the surrounding area had run a great distance. It was clear that this beast was the king of this area.

It opened its largemouth and out came a stream of fire.

"What the! Are you a dragon now?" Ray said as he quickly ran away from the stream.

However, the breath of fire didn't stop and it continued to follow Ray. He had no choice now but to get closer to the beast.

He ran and ran until now he was directly under the thing.

"Ice bind." Ray tried to use the ice bind skill to keep the Lion in one place, but instead of freezing the lion's leg like it should have done. As soon as the ice had touched the beast it had immediately melted.

With his fire spells not working and his ice spells not working either, he had no choice.

"Time to do this the old-fashioned way, I am a knight after all."

The beast quickly jumped and pounced away so Ray was no longer underneath the thing. It then readied its breath once again and fired it towards Ray.

This time instead of a stream of fire though, little fireballs came shouting out. Ray managed to dodge the first two, but the balls of fire continued until eventually, he was hit by one of them and sent back into the air.

Ray had landed on the ground, his skin all burnt and damaged, he tried to move but the pain was just too much.

"Even with the fire resistance skill, I got hurt this bad." Ray thought.

If it wasn't for the fire resistance skill he had received in the first place, Ray feared that the single attack would have completely destroyed him.

Ray then absorbed the crystal and suddenly his wounds and skin started to heal up, new energy was felt in his body.

Ray was now thankful that he decided to keep the advanced tier crystal from earlier. The reason for doing so was for reasons like this but now he had used his last one and he would no longer get any second chances.

A clone of himself was created, and then another, now there were three copies of Ray, but his mana points had halved.

While the system didn't work properly Ray was still unable to withdraw mana from the Red wing members as well as give it. So he had to be careful while using it.

The three clones ran forward all in separate directions. The lion was temporarily confused at which one it should go for. It the end, it decided to fire out the fireballs at each one.

But now with fewer fireballs aimed at each target, Ray had an easier job at avoiding them all.

When he finally had reached the target, he allowed the two clones to go by the beast leg's while he himself jumped up and climbed on top of the beast's back.

The heat emitting from the mane was powerful and was actually hurting Ray, but with his fire resistance he could bear it and hold on.

However, the lion was simply too focused on the two clones below. They would continuously try to attack the beast's legs while making sure to avoid the attacks.

Then while Ray was held on tight to the beast back, he activated his two skills.

Mana Drain and Mana eater.

One of the clones had been trampled on and killed but that wasn't a problem. The beast had a huge supply of mana. Ray had created another clone of himself and sent it down below.

As his mana filled up, he sent out another clone and sent it below.

At the same time, his fire attribute points were slowly rising and he was finding it easier to hold onto the beast.

As the beast continued to deal with the clones it was slowly getting weaker, meanwhile, the amount of Ray's on the ground was increasing.

The lion's mane had dwindled down and now only the fur could be seen rather than the flames. Its movements were sluggish and its legs had been completely ripped apart by the clones below.

As a last-ditch effort, the beast roared once again. The fire on the mane lit up once again. Ray could see that this was the beast's last attempt, its final attack.

He commanded one of the clones to run away as far as he could away from the beast, while the others continued to attack.

Then sparks of fire started to engulf the beast's entire body. The heat was too hot for Ray to handle.


At that moment Ray had switched positions with the clone that was a great distance away. Now watching from afar he could see the lion covered in flames, all the clones he had created had been killed.

Then a few moments later the flames had disappeared and the beast had collapsed on the ground exhausted.

Ray had exited the forest and could see the beast panting hard.

"You stared this, you could have lived."

Then with a blow through the beast's eye, the softest part of its body, Ray reached out into its brain and activated his fire attribute burning the brain to ashes.

It may have seemed cruel but it was the only way Ray could easily kill the beast and put it out of its misery. Its hide was simply too tough for his Gauntlets to do any damage.

It would have taken a torturous amount of time and pain for him to kill the beast any other way.

No system message had appeared meaning the beast crystal was still inside.

And luckily for him, it seemed like the beast crystal was located in the head. Once the brain had burnt up, Ray could feel the energy radiating inside, locating the source of energy he pulled the crystal out through the eye socket.

He now had a King tier crystal from a flame beast.

"I wonder what I can turn you into?" Ray said smiling at the crystal.


Special thanks to ancientwatcher, Itz_Osas_Billions, TheLordGodHimself, pixie_ just, Fenrir2040, DarkShadow_DS, and Isaac_Lopez_3223 for the gifts all of these really help me on my journey to becoming a full-time author.