Chapter 275   - Jack the strong

At first, the adventures thought that the little girl Martha was simply playing a joke on them. Perhaps she just wanted to sound brave on her first group quest, it was a common thing that got new adventures killed, trying to do something that they weren't capable of.

Not only that but what she was suggesting just seemed like an impossible task. Then with the look on her face and the fact that her companions who were with her did not react, suggested she was serious.

"I would suggest you all ready your weapons." Lenny said, "The moment the ball falls the gas will be released, it will only last a few seconds then we can charge in, a reminder not all of them will be affected and I don't know how long they will be affected for. It varies from beast to beast."

With Lenny's words, each member started to hold their weapons by their hilt. They still couldn't truly believe she would be able to do it, but felt like they should be ready just in case.

Then Martha started to gather ki in her hands and released it into her bow and finally stored in the arrow. As she let go the arrow flew out strong and fast not letting the weight of the ball or gravity affect it.

It continued to move forward and had eventually hit a Harpy causing the ball to also explode on impact.

The gas was released into the air and the ten or so Harpies next to the one who had been hit, seemed to fall to the ground and bump into each other. Some tried to fly into the sky only to hit their own companions.

Rick saw the opportunity straight away.

"Everyone charge!"

As the group of adventures ran forward, Lenny handed Martha two more balls, she shot two more arrows into different parts of the camps making sure to spread the gas as quickly as possible.

"We need to defeat at least thirty of them otherwise the trip is wasted, do you understand?" Lenny said.

Then suddenly a large figure started to run past them. "Leave this to me," Jack said as he turned his head to the other two.

In the past Jack had never been able to control his Ki well, it was just always active all over his body. But even then when his Ki was spread thin, it was incredibly strong and nearly impenetrable. Jack still wasn't able to control his Ki as well but it had gotten stronger.

His speed was far greater than anyone else there and he continued to run forward passing all the other adventures including Rick out front.

"Huh, isn't that the other kid who was with the old man?" Rick thought, "How is he so fast. We're using Ki and are able to be in front of the others yet he is still faster than us."

As soon as Jack was in sight of the base, he leapt into the air and slammed down his giant great sword into the ground killing five of the Harpies in one blow. The Harpies who had not been affected by the gas immediately saw the threat and started to surround Jack.

But he continued to be reckless as always, hitting the Harpies out of the air one by one allowing the others to attack him.

"The boy is wild." An adventurer said, "He will be killed at this rate look at all those harpies attacking him."

Martha and Lenny were not worried, although it looked like Jack had been surrounded and was getting hurt, these beasts were only of the basic tier. There was no chance they could do anything to penetrate Jack's skin.

The rest of the ground had finally caught up with Jack and were now engaged with combat with the harpies. The ones that were affected by the gas were easily dealt with as they had remained on the ground, they were only basic tiers and nearly any adventurer could deal with them.

But what made the harpies difficult to deal with, was the fact that they were able to fly, the airborne creatures were difficult to hit and manoeuvred fast.

The adventurers had no choice but to wait for the Harpies to come down and strike and at that moment deal with them in a single blow. When a group was patiently waiting for five Harpies who were hovering in the air, five arrows came past and immediately dealt with the threat.

"Who was that, was there a group of arches with us?" But when the group turned around the only thing they could see, was Martha.

The adventures continued to do battle with the Harpies and after a while of fighting, they had eventually all been dealt with.

Rick and his two men were happy with their result as they had killed fifteen of the harpies just between the three of them. Something that was beyond impressive for adventures.

But as he looked around hoping to be praised for his work, he noticed everyone attention was on somebody else. It was Jack, standing on his own in the centre of the base, next to Jack he had a total of around thirty Harpies surrounding him and he didn't have a single scratch on him.

Between him and Martha, they had taken out a total of forty harpies. Lenny, on the other hand, decided to keep his identity secret as a white mage who was only capable of healing magic. He went around to those who had injuries and started to heal them.

Although there was nothing too serious in the group.

That's when an Adventurer noticed something.

"Ahh, it's them!" He shouted, "They're a part of the Red wings." He said pointing at Jack's shoulder.

Although Jack had remained uninjured, his clothes did not. Jack wore no armour and the Harpies claws easily tore his shirt to pieces and now on his shoulder, the Red wing mark was proudly being displayed.

"It all makes sense now, why the two of them were so skilled and strong."

"But they're only kids, how did they get that strong?"

"I guess the power of the Red wings is true after all, wait to I tell my guild about this."

Martha and Jack were surprised by the reaction they were receiving. If they were to be found out and people knew about them, they had expected the reaction to be negative but that wasn't the case at all.

The adventures slowly started to approach Jack and Martha as they wanted to ask them all sorts of questions, all apart from one group, the Underdog guild members led by Rick.

He felt like he was the one who was meant to be getting all the attention, not these two people from an up and coming guild.

Although the group was noisy chatting away and happy with their success, it was shortly interrupted by an incredibly loud shriek off in the distance.

"What is that?" Jack said as he looked at an incredibly large Harpy in the distance.


Special thanks to Nwabuisi_Ifeoma, alvaro17, Fenrir2040, DarkShadow_DS, Sam_Passi, and Ahmed_Kabir_7439

for the gifts, they really help support me into trying to become a full-time author.