Chapter 254   - Fifty Points

As Van was rolled into the assembly hall, he already looked like he was half beaten to death. Worse yet, they had tied him spread out to a solid target. Just like other targets, there were two outer areas and the centre where the bullseye should be, Van was placed covering it.

"Now the rules are simple, all you need to do is pick up one of these beast cores and activate your magic into it. The crystal will allow even the weakest of you to cast a basic spell. If the ball glows then your power has been successfully activated, then you need to cast a spell and aim for the target." Nano said. "Now as you guys are first years it will be hard for you to have precise control and aim of your magic ability, to past this test you will need a total of fifty points."

Nano then started to walk over to where Van was tied up and pulled out a black marker pen. He proceeded to write the number fifty on top of Van's forehead. He then wrote several other numbers on the target. The outer ring ten and the inner ring twenty.

"You each will have a total of three shots, if you do not receive fifty points then, well let's just say you don't want to find out."

Nano was basically telling them all to aim for Van. Van was not only the easiest target to hit compared to the small outer rings around him but he was also worth fifty points. If the student hit the outer ring three times, they would only get a total of thirty points.

And if a student were to hit the inner ring, they would need to hit it with all three shots to get over fifty points. It was clear the situation was forcing them to try hit Van.

"Now let's see who should go first?" Nano asked as he searched the room.

Inside the crowd, a certain female was looking at the situation around her. The female had long black hair and was a lower-class student like the rest of them there. It was the same person who Ray had mistaken for being the divine being and her name was Bliss.

Bliss didn't agree what was going on in the school, she never did and hated the fact that one of her classmates was being bullied all the time, but just like everyone else, she had no choice but turn a blind eye to the middle classmen and upper classmen but not once did she join in with the bullying like the others in her class.

The only reason why she felt like she could never act was because the person who was behind everything, Blake. He just had too much of a powerful backing that it made it impossible for her to act. She was just a regular girl from a small town, unlike all these other nobles. If she did anything then her family would be punished for it.

As she assessed the situation around her, she could there were a total of eight middle-class students surrounding the lower-class students. Then standing by Van's side were two more students, one each by the side of the target and finally, there was Nano that had two more people by him.

Even if she was confident with her skills, she wasn't stupid, there was no way she could fight against all these students.

As Nano was scanning the room, he noticed that Ray was nowhere to be seen.

"Why isn't he here? The whole point of this was to show him what happens if he messes with us, oh well, he will just have to see the aftermath." Nano thought.

Just then, another second-year student stood forward and looked into the crowd.

"So it looks like no one wants to be the first to volunteer, then I will just have to pick one." The boy said, "You with the round glasses and a big nose. Come here."

A random boy from the lower class had been selected, he looked around him for help but the others just looked away glad that they weren't the one being picked.

The second-year then handed the basic tier beast crystal ball and placed it into his hand. "Now remember we can tell if you're using the power of the beast crystal or not, it's important that you do."

The boy started to close his eyes, his hands were shaking as he held the black ball. He felt like he had no choice and he would rather it be Van then him. The ball started to glow ever so faintly, then he lifted his hand.

"Energy blast!" the boy said and at the same time, a small ball of energy came from his hands and started to spiral all over the place, until it eventually landed in the top right-hand corner of the target.

"Oh, No points."

Energy blast was a non-elemental skill, it was something that every first-year magician should be able to do. Elemental abilities had their advantages but they also had their weaknesses. Such as fire against water, it was best to just use simple magical energy.

It was as the second-year student said, most of the lower-class students could barely perform magic, some of them had been in there three or four years with no success of moving up a class or down.

The boy then proceeded to shoot two more energy blast. The second one managed to hit the outer ring of the target achieving him ten points.

"Well, looks like you have no choice now, the only way to get out of this is to hit the target." Said the middle-class student.

The boy was now more nervous than ever, as he shot his last energy blast, he completely missed the bored and it spiralled past hitting part of the assembly hall.

"Well, looks like you lose." Then the two second-year students by Nano's side came forward and escorted the student behind the stage. A few moments later, screams were heard.

All that could be heard echoing through the hall's was the screams of the boy in pain.