Chapter 230   - One year

While Lenny and the others were busy deciding on what to do next. Ark had decided to pay a visit to Lilly to see if she was feeling any better. Inside her room, Lilly lied down on her bed covered in sweat. She had clearly gone through a painful healing process but the colour had seemed to return to her face.

During Ark's time at the Fallen Angel, Lilly had always looked out for him and their Guild, it was the reason why Ark was even more shocked when Mark had betrayed them. But even then, not once did Lilly think Ark as a traitor.

"Please get better soon," Ark said as he left Lilly be and decided to head to the castle canteen for some food.

Due to the investigation teams' achievements, they were granted stay in the castle. It was a good place for the team to hold meetings and didn't need to worry about finances.

The Canteen was empty as it was late in the afternoon and everyone had long eaten.

While Ark was busy lining up to get some food a guard had approached him from behind.

"Thank you for all the help you guys have given to our city."

"Oh no, please don't thank me." Ark replied, "It's the others you need to thank."

"Nonsense, don't think I don't know about your reputation when you were a member of Fallen angel. I have no doubt that you played a big part in taking back the west outpost."

Ark wanted to correct the guard but he knew it was useless. Ark felt kind of bad because he knew that t was mainly due to, Ray, Gary and Jack that they were able to take control back from the outpost. In terms of skill, they were far above what he was cable of.

Suddenly though, Ark started to hear the sounds of whispers in his head. An almost recognisable voice. It was Gary's. It was trying to persuade him to do something.

"What's wrong?" the guard asked.

"Take him out, and come follow my voice," Gary said.

Then as if his body had been taken over from Gary's words. Arks hand moved on its own and hit the guard in the stomach. The guard fell to the floor like a sack.

"Now Run," Gary said.

Ark didn't know what to and his body started to move. Again it felt like he had no control, he could fight it but at the same time, he didn't want to. As he gave into it, he had a satisfying feeling run through his body.

Ark continued to run out of the castle and followed the voice. Until it had eventually led him to a quiet part of the city. One of the poorer parts. There were mainly homeless people living on the streets and the houses looked like they could barely stand.

For a rich city, it was rare for Ark to see a sight like this, but this reminded ark that every city had a side that it just wanted to shove under the rug and hideaway.

Ark continued to follow the voice until it had led him down a dark alleyway. In the alleyway stood a hooded man. Once Ark had seen the man, Ark bowed and went down on one knee.

"Gary is that you?" Ark asked.

Gary then removed his hood to reveal his face. Ark was a few feet away but could still feel the power burning strong from the Gauntlet.

"Yes, it is." Said Gary, "Why do you not look me in the face, are you scared?"

Ark continued to look down on the floor. He felt like if he looked at Gary in the face he would be swept up by the shadows with him and he would never come back.

"You think I'm possessed don't you, but know I am the same person I have always been. The shadow has just shown me the true path. My true calling."

Ark decided to still remain silent unmoving, he felt like if he had said one wrong word then Gary would kill him right there and then and as if Gary could read his mind Gary spoke again.

"Don't worry I do not plan to kill you, I want you to deliver a message to my dear friend Ray. I will head north past Avrion city and into the shadow plague region. There I will be at the fortress just at the border called Gortheim.

Gary then lifted one finger up.

"1 year is the time limit, tell him to bring his army and attack the fortress I will be waiting there. If he does not come in before a year, then I will attack Avrion."

Then Ark could hold it in no longer he had to say something.

"I will deliver your message but first tell me, Gary, I know you're in there, come back to us and let Ray help you. Your friends can help you."

Gary started to shake his head.

"As I said, it is me speaking. You haven't known me long have you, Ark? In fact, you haven't even known Ray that long but I do. Ray isn't like us, Ray he never considered any of us his friends. I know, why don't you join us Ark?"

Gary said as he held out his hand in front of Ark's face.

"Now will you be riding with me to the fortress or not."

Ark was visibly shaking he was frightened that if he gave the wrong answer, he would be done for but there was no way he could join the shadow plague. He had seen what they had done to his guild, how they had corrupted Mark's mind and Just when Ark felt like he was settling into a new place again, the shadow wanted to take it from.

"Yes I will be riding to the fortress, but I will be riding in a year from now and with Ray and all the others. We will defeat the shadow plague and take you back with us."

"It's a shame but I see you are blinded by Ray's strength just as I was," Gary said before he started to disappear into the shadows.

"Remember, one year."


Special thanks to AllTheTime00, Lucifer_119, beastofcrazy, Seth_Thomas, Mboswell,?and Fenrir2040 for the gifts. These really help guys and it makes me happy to write even more content.