Chapter 186   - End of Avrion Academy

Sweat started to run down from the faces of the others behind Ray. Their heartbeats could now be heard out loud as their fear at this point had reached their maximum. Each one of them continued to bow down while most of them looked at the ground.

They were too afraid to even lift their heads or get off the floor but here they were hearing Ray talk back to the Wyvern like he would do anyone else.

"Huh, I shall forgive you arrogant attitude." Glac said, "For I have promised the Divine being not to bring any of you harm."

Everyone felt a weight lift off their shoulders as they heard the Wyvern say those words.

"You may all rise."

And as Glen said those words the rest of them stood up. They now could see the sheer size of the beast and if they didn't know any better, they would have thought it was a Dragon.

"Why did you protect this city?" Ray asked.

The Wyvern opened its eyes to take a peek at Ray. For some reason, she felt like something was different about him compared to the rest of them. Although she didn't like his attitude, she felt like she was compelled to answer.

"A long time ago when this city was first being built, I had made a deal with the Divine being. If she was ever to pass or wasn't able to protect this city then I would defend it for her. She helped me out a long time ago when I was in search of special fruit, in return I agreed to her condition but now that I have completed the task, I no longer need to protect the city and can roam the land once again."

"Thank you for your service to this city and the Divine being," Von said.

The Wyvern then flapped its wings as if it was ready to take off but just before it did…

"WAIT!" Ray shouted.

Suddenly Glac stopped.

"What do you want?" She asked.

The others behind Ray were now all praying for their safety. They thought Ray had gone mad, he was clearly tempting fate and any second now Ray would say something that would anger the beast to kill them all.

"This city now belongs to me, no to us the Red Wings. It's no longer under the control of the Knights of Avrion or the Divine being but me."


"I will soon no longer be here to defend it, so I need someone to do that in my place. I want you to protect this city once more."

Glac suddenly growled in her high shriek once again and then moved her head over to where Ray was standing. Her whole head was even bigger than Ray's entire body. The others moved back a step instinctively but Ray stayed put even though he was only a few inches away.

"You fool! Why would I even bother doing a favour for a human, That Divine being of yours was an exception but who are you to order me around?" Glac asked.

"Do you want to take a look?" Ray asked, "You must have an ability to read minds do you not, I shall give you permission to read mine."

Usually, Glac would ignore such a foolish human being but something was bothering her. The man standing in front of her was far too confident and she was incredibly curious to know why.

"Place your hand on my head and we shall start the linking process."

Ray did as he was told and placed his hand on Glac forehead. Then when his hand connected with her skin, immediately images of Ray's past were being shown. Everything that Ray had experienced when he was known as Sen. The great war, the horror of being chased, the lives of others, and finally when he was Reincarnated into a human.

The Wyvern suddenly disconnected the connection and lifted her head. At the same time, she disconnected her ability with everyone else so now only Ray was able to hear her.

"But how can that be true?"

"You saw it all for yourself."

Then the Wyvern did something completely unexpected and sat down and bowed down its head to Ray.

"Please forgive me for my rudeness before."

Gary started to rub his eyes and soon the others did too.

"Am I seeing things, or does it look like that Wyvern is bowing down to Ray?" Gary asked.

"No, I see it too" Slyvia replied.

"But this is impossible, not even the Divine being was able to get such respect." Von said, "The divine being was considered equal but here it's as if Ray was the Wyvern's master."

Von wasn't far off from the truth. Wyverns in today's time period were considered legendary beings, it was hard to find something more powerful than them today roaming around the continent but compared to Dragons they were nothing.

However, the Wyverns and the Dragons lived in peace with each other and would often live in the same tribes. The Wyverns acted as the Dragons servants in return for protection. When the humans came attacking, many Dragons risked their lives to allow the Wyverns to escape.

This was also true for Glac who had been saved when she was younger. Glac was quite a young Wyvern and had only heard stories and tales of Sen the mighty Red dragon and now he was standing in front of her in Human form.

"I will agree to your request Sen."

The name brought back some feelings for Ray but he soon realized they weren't happy feelings but sad feelings.

"Call me Ray from now on, that's what my name is now."

Glac then began to flap her wings once more as she prepared to take off and head back to the mountain.

"One more thing before I go Sen, Sorry... Ray." Glac said, "When I saw the images in your mind, I also saw the Witch who had defeated you. You are on the right path for that woman is the Divine being herself. When you meet her perhaps you will find the answers you are looking for."

With that Glac took off into the mountains.

Unaware of the bombshell she had just dropped on Ray's mind.

Finally, everything was starting to make sense, the statue he had seen below, and why they had looked so familiar to him. The divine being and the Witch were the same person.

Then what of the crystals that the knights worshiped, what were those and what were the images he had been shown?

Just as Ray found out more answers, it had only come with more questions. Ray knew he still had a long way to go.