Chapter 183   - Victory too soon

The weather had drastically changed and now it was pouring buckets of rain from the sky. The wind was also ferocious and strong enough to blow over a normal human. Due to this, the group couldn't see so far in the distance but Ray could.

Ray had seen what was ahead due to his dragon eyes and it was big trouble.

While the team's morale was high Ray was careful not to tell anyone of what was coming ahead. It would still take some time before they reached the academy.

Judging by the strength of their aura the beasts ahead were equally as strong, if not even stronger but there was no were for them to run. The first thing Ray needed to do was defeat the current beasts in front of him.

One of the tentacle slug monsters had been defeated but there was still one more to go. However, Ray was low on mana so they weren't able to defeat this one as fast as the one before. Ray continued to attack the beast by pulling and holding onto the tentacles while Gary used his special sword to cut the tentacles.

This was the only thing they could do for now, If Ray pulled or ripped the tentacles they would simply regrow, meaning they would have to slowly rely on Gary's sword.

Over by the Minotaurs, Von, Slyvia, and Harry had decided to Join up with Monk, Martha, and Noir. Martha was currently charging up her Ki to deal a devastating strike to one of the Minotaurs but while her attention was focused on one, another came up to her side and lifted its club.

"lookout!" Slyvia shouted as she dived forward and lifted her shield. The club collided with the shield but the attack was too strong, causing Slyvia to let go of her shield and have it fly off into the air.

"Dam! I need time to charge up an attack." Martha shouted.

The Minotaur quickly set its sight on the two girls again. The others were to busy dealing with the other two, so there was no one around to help. But before the Minotaur could even get close, Noir came swooping in and picked the two up by their collars using her mouth.

"Who's a good wolf!" Martha praised.

Noir quickly took the two further back and out of harm's way.

"What do we do?" Martha asked, "We need to take one of the Minotaur's but I can't just stand still and charge an attack."

Slyvia though for a while, then when she looked at Noir, suddenly she had an idea.

"Why don't you go on its back!" Slyvia pointed at Noir, "Noir can dodge and avoid their attacks while you fire from the top."

"That's a great idea, but how do we ask the wolf?"

The two looked at Noir and they felt a shiver run down their spine. Noir was quite scary looking. She stood as big as a house and had dark black fur. On top of her head was a horn and she also had razor-sharp teeth. It was quite natural for them to be afraid of such a thing.

Slyvia then slowly started to approach Noir.

"You, her, on your back" Slyvia said as she made some motions to try to demonstrate what she was trying to say.

"Do you really think the wolf's going to understand?" Martha said.

But the next second Noir lifted and threw Martha in the air just high enough to land on her back.

"Wow!" Martha said, "It looks like she did understand, this beast is amazing."

While Von, Monk, and Sylvia distracted the three Minotaurs on the ground, Martha was able to stay on Noir's back and focus her Ki into her arrows. She didn't use all of her Ki as she knew it was important to conserve her energy if she wanted to take them all out.

After Firing arrow after arrow at one of the Minotaurs eventually it started to slow down and the others were able to finish it off.

On the other side, Jack was busy dealing with the Slime snake. Jack was currently on the back of the slime snake and was doing its best to hang on. The snake was constantly shaking trying to get Jack off but his claw has heavily stuck into the Snake's back.

Jack continued to slash at the snake and once in a while, the snake would try to shoot its green slime at Jack. Whenever that did happen though, Dan was able to come in at the right time and knock the green slime back.

Black blood was pouring from the snake and starting to leave a trail all over the place but like a madman, Jack continued to attack a single spot while stuck on the snake's back. Eventually, Jack had torn off so much of the Snake's skin and flesh that he finally able to see bone.

Jack then lifted both of his hands and struck the bone of the snake as hard as he could.


The sound of the snake's bone being torn in half could be heard and now the snake was split in half. Now the snake was unable to do anything but wiggle around on the floor.

Jack hoped off the snake's back and went to join Dan. Then slowly Jack's body started to shrink in size and finally started to look like he once did before.

"I can't believe it, it really is you!" Dan said.

"I told you all," Jack said as he huffed and puffed covered in sweat.

The transformation used up an incredible amount of energy and for the next few hours, Jack knew he wouldn't be able to fight.

The two continued to watch the snake wriggle about until finally, the snake had stopped moving.

"We did it!" Dan Screamed

At the same time, each group had also finished dealing with all of the beasts and a cheer erupted between each person all apart from Ray.

Ray continued to look off in the distance.

"What's wrong Ray?" Gary asked.

"We're too late, they already here!"

The visibility was a little bit poor due to the heavy rain but eventually, they could see what Ray was looking at.

The sound of buildings being crushed and broken could be heard in the distance, as the beasts quickly tore each one down, and then finally, they could see the image of five more Slime Snake's heading their way.