Krune and Light Spirit had never seen his face, but they definitely knew this aura way too well. It was none other than the aura that was released by his Elemental Meridians in the past. The same one that had some control over it, and the one that was warning Light Spirit to not speak too much.

Krune was really surprised to find it here.

"So this is the creator of the Myriad Energies Technique. No wonder this technique works wonders for wisp, so he is a wisp as well. It is only right that a technique that he created would be most suited for wisps."

Light Spirit agreed.

"Indeed. To think that such a turn of events would happen. What are the chances of we bumping into it in a completely different Universe? It is at times like this that one can only think about fate."

Krune then looked at how Wally looked in his human form, after that, it came the time for his wisp form. It turned out that Wally's wisp form was even more colorful than Krune's. It not only had the five elements colors but others like white and dark.

Light Spirit knew what Krune was thinking and said.

"That's probably right, those white and dark colors are representing Light and Dark Elements. Now that I think about it, doesn't that mean that you are going to be even more colorful in the future? I look forward to seeing you on that day."

Krune's mouth twitched, but he decided to ignore Light Spirit's comment. Instead, he paid attention to the words that came right after.

"Chaos Cycle 1193, Year 782169, the new Wisp King, Wally, raised to the throne. King Wally had an Elemental Major Core, which later evolved into the Heavenly Major Core. Up to this moment, he was the only wisp to ever get a Heavenly Major Core and also the only one to ever succeed in ascending."

Krune couldn't help but comment.

"Wally is quite an old wisp."

Cinty nodded.

"Indeed, you will have a hard time finding any other wisp older than him in our Ancestry Hall."

Krune then asked something else.

"Did Wally leave something behind? Like, for example, a cultivation technique for wisps or something like that?"

Cinty thought that Krune wanted to get a better technique for wisps to cultivate. But all she could do was to shook her head.

"Unfortunately not. A few records were saying that Wally was working on something new before he ascended, but it never came to see the light of the day."

"Then how did he reach the Divine Path Realm? Could it be that he used the wisp innate abilities to cultivate until there?"

Cinty nodded her head.

"Exactly. But there was a difference. Wally was blessed with an innate ability to absorb Spiritual Energy that far surpassed any other wisps. From what I know, it was even better than my Blackhole Major Core. I believe that it is related to the fact that his Elemental Major Core was different. Oh, right! Do you guys know about the Major Cores that can become the Heavenly Major Core?"

Krune and Feifei felt a chill on their backs for a second.

"We do, we heard it from our elders. From what we know, it seems that there is a Special Major Core of each type that carries a fragment of the Heavenly Major Core. Once all fragments are gathered by one of them, this Major Core can become a Heavenly Major Core."

Cinty smiled after hearing that.

"That's correct. Wally had one of these Major Cores, so I believe that he was able to reach the Divine Path Realm because of it. Of course, this is just speculation. It has been way too long since that happened, so I don't know the specifics."

Krune then asked something else.

"What about Wally's disciples? He had nine of them, and each one reached the Divine Path Realm. They were obviously not Special Major Core Owners, so how did they do that?"

Cinty then explained.

"From what I know, Wally's Heavenly Core was able to connect him with his disciples. It was through that kind of assistance that all nine of them were able to reach the Divine Path Realm and eventually Divinity. From what is recorded, Wally only brought them to the door of the Divine Path Realm, though. After they obtained immortality, they had to cultivate by themselves. As for how that 'connection' works, that I don't know."

Krune sighed after hearing that. He totally thought that Wally or his disciples had used the Myriad Energies Technique, but it seems like he was wrong. It was at this moment that Krune remembered something and commented with Light Spirit.

"Oh, right! According to my research in the Luvile universe, the time that the Myriad Energies Technique appeared doesn't match the time that Wally's disciples lived. Even considering that it might have taken very long for this technique to reach the Luvile Universe, the time discrepancy would still be enormous. Unless Wally kept this technique for himself without spreading it for thousands of Chaos Cycles, it is pretty obvious that he only finished developing it a long time after his disciples perished."

Light Spirit then mentioned.

"Still, the Myriad Energies Technique that everyone knows is only the first part of it. So here is the question: Why did Wally release only the first part? Why didn't he give the complete form to the Wisp World here in the Dalin Universe? If he had done that here, wouldn't the wisp race be a powerful one by now?"

Krune nodded.

"There are way too many questions, but no Wally to answer them. But at least, we can consider it that Wally is definitely behind all of this. Perhaps, this has something to do with the impasse."

Light Spirit got puzzled.

"What impasse?"

Krune then explained to him.

"Did you forget? The wisp race situation at the moment is being maintained by Wally alone. The fact that he is alive here is the reason why the Universes are not starting a full-scale wisp hunt. Did you forget that Wally has the ability to descend into our lower realms without paying any price? Although it is not confirmed if this is an ability that only he has or if all wisps have, it still isn't something that the other powers can ignore. After all, if it turns out that all the wisps can do that..."

Light Spirit had to admit that Krune was right.

"That makes sense. The lower realms are the foundation of the powers in the higher realms. If it becomes dominated by wisps who can descend without paying any price, sooner or later, the higher realms will be governed by wisps too. Of course, that is considering that all the wisps have the same ability as him."

Krune nodded.

"Fortunately, the wisps' low life span imped them from reaching the Divine Path Realm before dying. I guess it goes without saying that the Great Universes are keeping an eye on this matter as well. Thankfully or not, the wisps not being able to reach the Divine Path Realm ended playing a role in their safety."

Light Spirit's voice then became serious.

"But if the wisps suddenly start to enter the Divine Path Realm one after another, then the story will change. Let's say if a certain someone spread a technique that allowed the wisps to reach this realm, what would happen?"

Krune felt a chill on his back.

"Perhaps, I released that version of the Myriad Wisps Technique way too early."

Light Spirit agreed with him.

"But it's too late now. Your technique has already been spread, and there is no way we could recall all of them back. If anything, we are lucky that it has only be spread in the Luvile Universe. As you know, your home universe is a remote one that those great powers don't care about. So it will take some time before anyone notices it. Not to mention that it will also be confined to the Luvile Universe for a very long time before anyone brings it outside. Unless you spread it here, the Luvile Universe is the only place where it can be found now."

Suddenly, Krune's face went pale!

"What if... my Myriad Wisps Technique is found out by the Great Universes' powers? And then they decide to wipe out the Luvile Universe to prevent it from spreading? Do you think it's possible?"

Light Spirit was shooked with that question!

"Indeed. Considering that it only exists in the Luvile Universe at the moment, that might really happen. Those Great Universes definitely have the power to do that. Besides, considering how important this issue is for them, I don't doubt that they might seek help from the Higher Realms again to help with the extermination."

Light Spirit then started to think in a solution when suddenly, Krune declared.

"It's impossible to retrieve the Myriad Wisps Technique anymore. In fact, I don't even want to do that. Wally and his disciples aside, no other wisp have ever had the chance to reach the Divine Path Realm. My race had always been the one enduring."

Light Spirit then asked.

"Did you have an idea?"

Krune immediately nodded.

"The reason that the Luvile might get wiped out is that only it has the Myriad Wisps Technique, right?"

Light Spirit was taken aback.

"You can't possibly mean..."

Krune nodded and smiled playfully.

"They can try to destroy one Universe, but can they do that to all of them?"