Before entering the illusion formation, Tiane looked at Ruik with a gloomy face. She knows her own power and is certain that she won't be able to defeat someone 3 stages higher than herself.

'Well, no point in keep thinking about it. Once I open the Spiritual Energy Meridians, this difference will disappear.'

As mentioned before, Tiane is at the 3rd Stage of the Core Formation Realm, so her first opponent was at the 4th stage.

Fortunately, it was as Tiane had predicted. She could still defeat someone one stage higher thanks to the Wang Clan techniques, which are top-notch in the Luvile Universe. As for the second opponent, it was a cultivator 2 stages above. Tiane had to go all out against this opponent, and even so, she could only barely defeat him. In the end, she stood no chance against the demon beast that appeared after the cultivator was done with.

Still, the examiner was quite pleased already, other than Ruik, Tiane was the only one to defeat more than a single opponent.

"Next, Wulia Feier."

Wulia Feier was the alias that everyone came up with. Krune didn't have to hide his name since the Sacred Lands don't know about his Advanced Major Core. But Feifei is different, they don't know if the Sacred Lands of the Luvile Universe can reach them here or not, so they decided for a different name for her.

Feifei entered the illusion formation and started her battle. As an Advanced Destiny Core owner, she obviously had an easy time predicting the opponent's moves. The only problem is that Feifei is already at the 8th stage of the Core Formation Realm. So after winning the first battle, the next enemy was already at the 1st Stage of the Divine Soul Realm!

One must remember that even though it is a single cultivation stage higher, the difference in realms can't be calculated in the same way. The Mission Hall also had rules for it. If you are at the peak of a realm, your test will be based not on defeating your opponent that is in the next, but how long you can fight against him. As long as you are able to hold for five minutes without fleeing or losing, you will be considered as someone who can fight those of a higher realm. Of course, if you defeated your opponent, that will be even better!

Feifei's opponent was an Ice Swan. Considering the ordinary level of attack power in the Dalin Universe, the swan was obviously stronger than what Feifei was used to see. Still, Feifei had already opened her Spiritual Energy Meridians and evolved it to the Elemental ones. With her Advanced Destiny Major Core, she was still able to defeat it.

There was also another reason for Feifei's improvement in combat prowess. That was the projection of the past Advanced Destiny Major Core Heavenly Fragment. Thanks to that, Feifei's prediction ability improved by leaps and bounds before she exited the Dimensional Realm!

The people outside were taken aback by that result, and the examiner's eyes lit up!

"A good seed! She probably has a Major Core. It had been a few years since a Major Core came to our branch, it's good to be able to see one again."

Feifei's next opponent was a cultivator at the 2ns Stage of the Divine Soul Realm. Fortunately, Feifei didn't use much Spiritual and Elemental Source Energy in the last fight, so she could battle this 2nd Stage Divine Soul Realm. Still, it was not easy to jump into another realm to fight on equal grounds. So even if Feifei could predict the opponent's movement, she had a hard time dodging and attacking.

In the end, the battle dured over 30 minutes. Feifei was still able to defeat her opponent, but that was at a high cost. Feifei could be said to be almost dead at the moment. Of course, that is just her appearance inside the Illusion Formation. Outside, she was completely fine.

Feifei didn't even wait for the next opponent to appear before leaving the formation. There was no way that she could battle anymore. In fact, she is pretty sure that she wouldn't win even if she was at her peak condition. The difference in cultivation is just too big. Even the previous victory might not happen again if she tried once more.

The examiner looked at Feifei excited. The stronger the branch's members, the more resources it gets from the headquarters. Someone like Feifei is sure to give the branch a good boost.

"Next, Krune."

The examiner had already noticed that Krune's group were all able to fight at least 2 stages higher than themselves, and the same could be said by the other contestants. When Krune came forward to enter the illusion formation, all eyes were on him to see just how well he would perform.

Krune, of course, felt that to be very annoying. Still, he also decided to put some effort into this test. The only thing that he won't do for now is to change into his wisp form. He isn't sure about the wisps standing in this Universe, so it is better to prevent problems if it is possible.

The first opponent appeared, and the landscape changed with it. It was a Demon Mantis at the 5th Stage of the Core Formation Real. The field became a forest where the Mantis could make the best use of its abilities. Unfortunately for it, his opponent was Krune. The moment that the Mantis charged in Krunes direction, its head suddenly fell.

It turns out that Krune used a simple wind blade that was summoned from behind it. With Krune's powerful Divine Sense, Soul Power, Advanced Elemental Core, and his Elemental meridians, his attack range was second to none in this place.

Outside, the examiner and the other contestants gasped. It was too fast! The battle didn't last for even a second, and it was already over. Krune didn't even move from his place to get it done. It was as if it wasn't Krune who attacked, but some other existence instead.

The second opponent appeared, and it was once more a demon beast. This time, the field changed into an ocean again, and the opponent was a Horned Demon Shark. The Shark didn't charge at Krune straight away. Instead, it tried to use the environment in its favor to catch Krune off guard. Unfortunately for it, that was useless.

Krune body started to give some electrical spark and suddenly.


The area three hundred meters around Krune became a field of Blue Lightning! That's right, Krune didn't even use his Tribulation Lightning this time, but just the normal one. The Shark couldn't resist the electrical current inside its body and passed out almost immediately. Although this battle took a little longer to finish, it was primarily because Krune had to accumulate enough Spiritual and Elemental Energy to make that discharge.

The third opponent was already at the 7th Stage of the Core Formation Realm. This time, it was a cultivator with a bow in hands. It turns out that it was a cultivator specialized in long-range combat. He had good movement techniques, and his attacks were quite good. Too bad, though. He tried to play a long-range role in front of Krune.

None of the archer cultivator attacks could break Krune's defenses. In contrast, Krune's own long-range attacks finished the opponent almost instantly.

The examiner took a deep breath after seeing that. Until now, Krune hasn't moved a single step away from his starting position.

'Just what is wrong with his group? They must have come from the same background, and it seems that it wasn't a simple one either.'

Of course, such an event was more than welcome for him and his Mission Hall branch.

Krune's fourth opponent appeared with a cultivation at the 8th Stage of the Core Formation Realm. This time, Krune could few that if he stayed put, he would have to use more energy to defend than he wanted, so Krune opened distance on his own. As an excellent long-ranged attacker, Krune made sure to keep his distance while bombarding his opponent with his skills.

Sure enough, his opponent was not defeated immediately. If it was an ordinary cultivator of the Luvile Universe, Krune is confident that he would have already won. That was all, though. With his opponent not being able to get close and the damage increasing, it only took a minute or so for his opponent to fall.

'Indeed, their level is much higher here. Using my human form, I will need to put some effort if I want to defeat the next one.'

In the end, it was as Krune predicted. His next opponent was a lot stronger. Krune had to use quite a few good techniques, and even so, he could only get the upper hand. One must remember that Krune is fighting someone 5 stages higher than him now.

But there was a good thing, though. Krune still hasn't used his Hexagonal Flying Shields or Tribulation Lightning. Krune intends to keep them for when the Divine Soul Realm opponent appears.

His opponent, this time, was a Thunder Kaval. This is a type of Flying Demon Beast that looks like a vulture but had Blue feathers and one extra pair of wings. It's a demon beast that doesn't exist in the Luvile Universe but isn't too rare here in Dalin.

Thanks to its innate Lightning Element control, even Krune had a hard time hitting it. Of course, the opposite was the same. In fact, the Thunder Kaval was in a much worse condition since it hasn't hit Krune with one of its attacks even once!

The battle continued like that for over 10 minutes when finally, the Thunder Kaval received a fatal injury and fell from the sky.

Krune took a deep breath and looked at the Kaval that became specs of light.

'Divine Soul Realm. It will be my first time fighting this level head-on alone. Will it be a demon beast or a cultivator?'

Krune thought that he was ready for anything that might appear, but once he saw what it was, Krune was frozen on the spot!

'I must be hallucinanting!'

Not only him, Feifei, Tiane, and Ruik also had their mouths opened wide! Strangely enough, the only ones who seemed that surprised at the moment were Krune and his group. The other contestants and the examiner seemed to be fine as if there was nothing wrong with the race that appeared to test Krune this time.

Krune and his group couldn't help but think about the same question.

'Is that a wisp?'