The Wang Clan has a tradition that has lasted from the times where they weren't even part of the Big Four. Every single girl and boy who is born into the clan is given a seal called Wang's Mark. That mark itself doesn't have any power, can't help with cultivation, nor be sold since it only has value for the Wang Clan.

Once a woman or man is going to marry, they give their mark to the one they love. Once it is done, it is determined that they will stay together until the day of their deaths. But that only happens after the marriage is concluded. Before that, the mark only represents the girl's or boy's intention of marriage and can be retrieved before it happens. One case would be the partner's betrayal or death, for example.

Back then, it was exactly this mark that Feifei gave to Krune. Feifei was totally serious when she said that she wanted him to marry her. Different from Krune's belief, Feifei had never thought of it as a kid's harshness or anything. She was really looking forward to the day it happens and had been even secretly observing Krune's path so far.

The problem is that Feifei is way too important to the Wang Clan at the moment, so they couldn't allow her to be married outside. In fact, the elders of the clan had even discussed if they should not let Feifei marry at all! But in the end, the tradition was still more important for the clan than Feifei's power. Even if she was a boy, it would still be the same. The Wang Clan is a Clan where both men and women have the same status. It is so true that the Wang Clan's strongest ancestor just so happens to be a woman.

While Feifei was running in the direction of her father's room, Uncle Feng appeared in front of her.

"Wait, wait, wait! If you tell that you left your mark with him, your father will do everything he can to get him killed. He is still a Foundation Establishment cultivator, there is no way he can survive such a pursuit."

There is no way that Feifei could be faster than Old Feng, so he was able to stop her just a second after she left. Feifei looked at Uncle Feng with an angry face.


Uncle Feng didn't give any chances.

"It doesn't matter if he is now the Sect Master's disciple or not, he will, sooner or later, leave the sect for missions. At that time, if your father sends a Soul Forging Realm or above to take care of him, Krune will probably not survive at all. Is it what you want? Also, he is a wisp, it will be even more of a reason for your father to get rid of him."

Feifei dropped her head and nodded.

"But it won't take long for him to notice that I gave it away."

Uncle Feng just shook his head.

"Just keep refusing everyone, if he tries to force the issue, just pretend something like you prefer to kill yourself or whatever. As long as you don't accept any suitor, no one will ask you to give your mark to them."

But there was still one problem.

"Then what about that Lofa? What if she takes my Krune away?"

Uncle Feng felt a headache. If he could, he would just send someone to take care of her and get done with it. But Feifei will never accept such an outcome, and there is no way he can do it on the shadows either. Feifei will find out the moment he decides to go ahead with this plan, after all.

As Uncle Feng can see it, there are two big issues about Krune.

First, Krune is the Divine Path Sect's Sect Master's disciple. So there is no way that that old foggy will allow Krune to be married into the Wang Clan. Not to mention that Krune is his very first disciple. Now that Uncle Feng thinks about it, he couldn't help but wonder why Feifei decided to meet the Sect Master 6 years ago. Things got more complicated now because of that.

Second, Krune is a wisp! It doesn't matter how talented, powerful, intelligent, or whatever he is. As long as he doesn't achieve the Divine Path Realm, his life span will always be an issue. No one in the clan would ever accept him even if Lucio agrees with letting him marry into the Wang Clan.

After pondering for a moment, Uncle Feng remembered something.

"Oh, that's right! The exchange program."

Feifei looked puzzled at Uncle Feng.

"What is that?"

Uncle Feng then explained.

"This is a program where the big four send 3 geniuses to train with the other powers. Three genius for each power. It extends for one year, and during this time, the geniuses would go through the missions, training, study, and all the things that a real member of that power should have."

Feifei's eyes immediately lit up! She had never cared much about the big four relationships, so she didn't know about that before. But now, she couldn't be more interested!

"When will it happen?"

Uncle Feng checked his communicator and then answered.

"Three months from now. You should use this time to convince your father that you want to go, though."

Feifei then showed a playful smile and said.

"That will be easy!"

In a living room somewhere inside the Wang Clan's main residence, a man was brewing some tea to pass the time. He had long hair and looked quite young. Of course, it was due to his cultivation. In fact, he could be called anything but young. His name was Wang Xin, the actual Wang Clan's Head!

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The one who came was obviously Feifei.

"Father, I have a request to make."

Xin was a little surprised that his daughter came to ask something directly to him. Usually, she just had to pass the order, and the Wang Clan's subordinates would do it for her. Since she came here by herself, it is probably something important. His eyes then immediately lit up!

"Could it be that you finally found someone you liked?"

Feifei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"That's not it, I came here because I want to enter the exchange program between the big four that will happen in three months. To be more specific, it has to be the Divine Path Sect."

Xin's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that Feifei would ask something like that. He then started to wonder why she would want something like that. It is not like Feifei never goes out or visit the other big four powers. In fact, she likes to travel quite a lot. That is also why Uncle Feng was put in charge of her protection. With him there, there is almost no one who could offer any danger to her. Even if the situation turns serious, Feng probably would still be able to scape with Feifei in the worst case.

"Why is that? Is there something special about the Divine Path Sect?"

Xin, as Feifei's father, of course, knew about her special status and her abilities. In fact, the rumors that have been going around are not accurate at all! The other powers believe that Feifei might a Heavenly Major Core, but that is incorrect!

Feifei then put a serious face and nodded.

"I don't know, but it is probably the case, that's what my Core is telling me."

Xin was surprised by that.

"You can't see what it is about?"

Feifei shook her head.

"I can't, all I know is that I must go there, and the exchange program just so happens to be a perfect excuse."

The Wang Clan's had relied on Feifei's power of foreseeing several times already, and they avoided quite a few problems because of that. Her Major Core is different from the Destiny Major Core, it is a lot more developed. But there is one thing that they are sure about, Feifei's Major Core is not the Heavenly Major Core either. It looked more like a new version of the Destiny Major Core instead.

Some of the elders believe that Feifei's Core is evolving into the Heavenly Core at the moment because of that. Others refuse that hypothesis since it is said that a Heavenly Core is born from a normal Major Core. However, Feifei's Major Core was already like that when it was formed. At first, they thought it to be a Destiny Core since she had the power of Divination. But later, they started to wonder if it was really the case.

As mentioned before, to pry into the secret of the heavens is to go against it, so backlashes are unavoidable, even Destiny Core owners are no exception. Those who practice Divination have to look into Destiny Energy and make their calculations based on that. The heavens, of course, hates it! So that's where the backlashes come from, it is nothing more than heavenly retribution.

But Feifei's condition is different! The heavens... can't see her! It doesn't matter how much she reads the Destiny Energy, the heavens had never caused a backlash to happen to her. Feifei even gave her Major Core a name, the Ultimate Destiny Core. Of course, she was the only one who liked to call it like that.

That was also the reason why Feifei loved Krune so much. Every single existence in the Universe causes the Destiny Energy to move, by reading that movement, Feifei can see everything about them. But Krune is totally different! It is as if it doesn't matter what he does, the Destiny Energy never moves when he takes action, which means that Krune is just like herself!

If you want to find anything about Krune with Destiny Energy, you will need to read the movements of Destiny Energy caused by the things around him. For example, his friends or the aperture of the Rainbow Sect back then. But because Krune's group had been staying with him for so long, even they are starting to be affected by Krune's ability.

Xin pondered a bit about the issue. So far, Feifei hadn't been mistaken about her predictions, so he quite trusted her a lot. After considering that Feng would still be protecting her during this exchange program, Xin decided to accept her request. Not to mention that she would be the responsibility of the Divine Path Sect. Lucio Koffel would make sure that nothing happened to her to avoid any friction between their two powers.

Still, Xin couldn't help but remember a few things that happened in the past between him and Lucio too. But then he only sighed and said.

"Very well, I allow you to go to this exchange program. But be sure to be careful, we still don't know if your Major Core is really fail-proof or not."

Feifei then nodded and left.

After she got back to her room, she started to jump around out of happiness, which made Uncle Fend sigh again. Everything that Feifei told her father was, of course, a bunch of lies! She just wanted to go there to protect what was her's! With Lofa's existence, she couldn't wait for Krune to come anymore.