Chapter 271 The Symbolizing Music  

Napoleon exited Alfonso's office after their ten-minute discussion. Fernando sat there, his mind whirring with thoughts about Napoleon's proclamation of himself as the Emperor of France.

"Has something like this ever happened before? A man without royal lineage declaring himself emperor of a nation?" Fernando mused, his gaze shifting to his father, who sat with his fingers intertwined, supporting his chin.

"It is not unprecedented," Alfonso replied. "In the days of the Roman Empire, emperors were often elected."

Fernando absorbed his father's words, still trying to grasp the enormity of the situation. The weight of their conversation pressed down on him.

"So, you believe in his vision, Father?" Fernando asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Alfonso leaned back in his chair, contemplating the question. "Napoleon is a man of ambition, and he has achieved remarkable feats. His proposal is not without risks, but it also carries the promise of great rewards."

Fernando nodded slowly. "And Ciela... she will be the Empress of France?"

A proud smile touched Alfonso's lips as he thought of his daughter. "Yes, my son. Who would have thought that my daughter would land herself with someone of great influence and power."

"But have you really forgiven her genuinely father? You know during the early years of her abandoning our family, you were mad about it."

"I was…Fernando, but not now. Not because she married a powerful man but because I'm a father. It's time to let go of the past and think about the future."

"Since you have forgiven her, I will forgive her too. But it doesn't mean our relationship will instantly heal. It will take time," Fernando admitted.

Alfonso nodded understandingly. "Indeed, it will take time. We all need to rebuild the bonds that were strained by the past. But this opportunity, with Napoleon and Ciela at the helm, offers us a chance to create a brighter future for our family and our nation."

"You will become a regent to Napoleon's child, father. Would that be okay with you? Why not negotiate that you should be the one to lead? After all, you are the one doing most of the heavy lifting prior to Napoleon's entrance."

"I find it fine," Alfonso said. "It's going to be someone of our blood who will take the throne anyway. As long as France works in the best interest of Spain, I will work with Napoleon. And it's best that we ally ourselves with France in these times, they are a superpower."

"And what will be my role in all of this, Father?" Fernando asked. "You? I thought you didn't like politics and would prefer to stay in our business. You will inherit our business, and grow it. It was how we got our family prestige in the first place."

"I understand, father. I'll still continue to support you in any way I can, especially during these critical times," Fernando replied, his commitment unwavering.

Alfonso placed a hand on Fernando's shoulder and looked proudly at his son.

"That's the spirit. Now, we should join them."


In one of the staterooms of Castellano Estates, Isabella, Catalina, Ciela, and her children, Francis and Aveline were present.

Ciela's mother, Catalina, spoke of old stories to Aveline and Francis about their mother, Ciela, some were of her embarrassing moments, others were tales of her precocious display.

"Did you know that your mother could read and write at the age of 2? And perform basic mathematical calculations at the age of 4?"

"Brother can do that too!" Aveline interjected, patting Francis on the back, puffing with pride.

"Really?" Catalina glanced at her grandson, Francis. "Then we now know where you got your talents from."

"Actually, it's from my fathers…" Francis corrected, and he felt a gentle pinch on his side. "Mother…that hurts…"

"Are you implying that I'm not as talented as your father?" Ciela teased, playfully pinching Francis again.

"I didn't mean it that way, mother. What I'm trying to convey is that a large percentage of my talents came from my father, and the rest are from yours," Francis explained, but still couldn't escape his mother's pinch.

"I heard that Aveline can play piano and violin skillfully," Isabella chimed.

"Really? That's perfect, we have a grand piano in the music room," Catalina said. "Perhaps you can give us a sample of your musical talent right now, Aveline."

"Of course, Grandmother," Aveline replied with a cheerful grin.

"Okay, follow me," Catalina stood and led Aveline

to the adjacent room, where the grand piano was waiting to be played. The room was beautifully adorned with antique furniture, and the large windows allowed the soft afternoon sunlight to filter in, casting a warm glow across the room. Aveline approached the piano, her fingers gently caressing the keys before looking at her spectators.

"Uhm, I'm going to play a piece, it originated from Scotland and was one of the gifts my father gave to me after his return from London. It's going to be a mix of English and Scottish melodies," Aveline explained, her fingers poised above the keys.

"Oh…this is quite exciting," Catalina commented with a gleam of anticipation in her eyes.

Just before Aveline could start, a person entered.

"Papa!" Aveline waved her hand at Napoleon who just entered the door.

"I see that you are going to play piano for your auntie and grandmother. Very well, I shall watch this also—Oh, I should call your grandfather and uncle. Wait for a minute, Aveline."

Upon saying that, Napoleon exited the music room and fetched the two who were already walking down the hallway. Napoleon invited them to join the audience for Aveline's performance. Alfonso and Fernando, curious and eager, followed Napoleon back to the music room, where they took seats next to Ciela, Isabella, and Catalina.

Aveline smiled warmly at her family as they settled in.

"Okay, here we go," Aveline took a deep breath and began pressing the keys, filling the room with the familiar tune of "Auld Lang Syne."

"Should all acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind..." Aveline's fingers danced on the piano keys, and her voice joined in harmony with the music as she sang the opening lines of the traditional Scottish song.

The room was enveloped in a sense of nostalgia and camaraderie as Aveline continued to play and sing. Her performance evoked memories of times past and the enduring connections between family members.

Napoleon, Alfonso, and Fernando listened intently, each of them touched by the sentiment of the song.

It was a fitting song, and Napoleon couldn't be more proud of Aveline's choice. She could have performed other pieces but she chose that song.

Napoleon admitted Auld Lang Syne is a beautiful piece that lasts to the modern day. It was played occasionally in New Year celebrations and other significant moments of unity. He planned on popularizing it across Europe, where they'll play it on New Year's Eve at the end of the year.

"—We'll drink a cup of kindness yet…For the sake of auld lang syne."

The final notes of Aveline's piano echoed in the room, and she concluded the song with a gentle, heartfelt smile.

"How was it?"

Napoleon was the first one to clap. "That was beautiful dear!"

And the rest followed.

"You have an angelic voice, Aveline," Catalina praised.

"One of the best pieces that I have heard in my life," Alfonso added.

Aveline beamed at the warm applause and compliments from her family. She rose to her feet and curtsied gracefully.