Five o'clock in the afternoon, the Palace of Versailles was buzzing with activity. Napoleon stood in his bedroom, dressed in his finest uniform, preparing for a significant meeting with the Russian Emperor, Paul I.

"Do I look good, darling?" Napoleon said as Ciela entered the room. She scanned him up and down, a hint of a smile on her lips.

"Sharp as ever," she replied, adjusting his collar with a deft hand. "You've got that authoritative look down."

Napoleon gave a nod of approval, a touch of pride in his expression. "Can't afford to look anything less today."

Ciela stepped back, crossing her arms. "Who could have imagined? That you would be speaking with the powerful man in Russia," she remarked.

Napoleon smirked, straightening his jacket. "This should be expected, darling. Anyways, where are the children? Are they already dressed?"

Ciela rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course, they're dressed and ready. They are excited to meet the Emperor of Russia. It's their first time meeting a head of state from another country."

Napoleon's lips curled into a fond smile. "Good, I want them on their best behavior for the Emperor."

Ciela nodded, her expression turning more serious. "And what about you? Ready to negotiate with the Russian bear?"

"I will, if you give me a kiss," Napoleon promptly replied with a teasing grin.

Ciela let out an amused huff, shaking her head. "Always the charmer, aren't you?" She leaned in, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. "There."

Napoleon hummed, feeling dissatisfied. "That's it?"

Ciela raised an eyebrow. "What more were you expecting?"He grinned mischievously. "A more inspiring kiss for good luck, perhaps?"

Rolling her eyes, Ciela indulged him with a proper kiss this time, lingering just long enough to satisfy his playful demand. "There, now you have your luck."

Napoleon smirked, seemingly content. "Thank you, my dear."

Just as they were having their wholesome moments, a knock on the door interrupted their interaction. The door creaked open, revealing Beaumont.

"Your Excellency," Beaumont said and announced. "the Russian Emperor, Paul I, has arrived."

Napoleon's attention shifted from Ciela towards the doorway. He walked over to the window, parting the heavy curtains to peer outside. Sure enough, his gaze fell upon a grand convoy of carriages, heralding the arrival of his esteemed guest.

"Thank you, Beaumont," Napoleon acknowledged with a nod before turning his head to Ciela. "It's time, get the kids ready."

Ciela nodded briskly and left the room.

Napoleon's focus returned to the task at hand. He straightened his posture and took a deep breath, steeling himself for the diplomatic encounter that lay ahead.

With Beaumont as his escort, Napoleon made his way through the opulent corridors of the palace. The sounds of their footsteps echoed against the marble floors as they approached the grand reception area.I think you should take a look at

Entering the reception area, Napoleon's gaze immediately fell upon Ciela and their children, Francis and Aveline, who were dressed formally for the occasion.

Napoleon joined them and stood in front of the door, waiting for it to be opened by the staff outside.

The door swung open, and Napoleon's eyes met those of the Russian Emperor, Paul I. The room seemed to hold its breath as the two leaders locked eyes, acknowledging each other's presence. Paul I stood tall and imposing, his figure draped in regal attire adorned with intricate patterns. His presence demanded attention, and his stern expression hinted at a man accustomed to wielding authority.

Napoleon extended his hand, and Paul I accepted the gesture with a firm shake. The grip between the two leaders was strong, a silent exchange of mutual respect and recognition. Paul I's gaze bore into Napoleon's, revealing a keen intellect and a hint of scrutiny.

"Your Imperial Majesty, welcome to France," Napoleon greeted in Russian.

Paul I inclined his head slightly and replied in French. "Thank you, Premier First Consul Napoleon. It is an honor to be here."

Well, that is to be expected that the Russian Emperor can speak French as it was taught to the royalty in many European courts.

"Your Imperial Majesty, let me introduce to you my family, This is Ciela, my wife," Napoleon extended his arm towards Ciela, who curtsied gracefully, a composed smile on her face. "And these are our children, Francis and Aveline," he continued, as Francis and Aveline also performed polite bows.

Paul I's expression softened as he observed the family before him. "A pleasure to meet you all. You have a beautiful family here, Premier First Consul Napoleon."

"Thank you for those kind words, Your Imperial Majesty," Napoleon replied.

"Now, Premier First Consul Napoleon, I was told in your letter that you wished to speak with me about something you can't tell, and in urgency, I suggest that we proceed with it promptly, I can't stay in France for so long."

"I understand, Your Imperial Majesty," Napoleon said. "Now, the discussion that we are about to discuss later needs confidentiality. Which means only the two of us will be talking to my office."

"Wait, you mean to say we are not allowed to join His Imperial Majesty?" One of the staff members, a bit flustered, chimed in.

Napoleon's gaze shifted to the concerned staff member, and he nodded firmly. "That is correct. All of you will stay here, our discussion won't take long, My palace staff will handle all of your accommodations. We have drinks and snacks prepared for you while you wait."

The staff member seemed slightly taken aback, but with a glance from their Emperor, assuring that everything will be fine, they conceded.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "Let's proceed now to the meeting. Beaumont, please escort His Imperial Majesty to my office please."

Beaumont nodded and gestured for Paul I to follow him.

As Napoleon watched Paul I disappear into the distance, he turned to Ciela.

"Okay, why don't you and the children spend some time in the garden? Take Audrey with you."

Ciela nodded.

With that, Ciela and his children left the palace. Only the staff of the Russian Emperor remains at the reception. "I'll go and talk to your Emperor. May you have a comfortable stay here in Versailles," Napoleon said, addressing the Russian staff.

After that, Napoleon made his way to his office.