Aveline and Francis glanced up at Beaumont, their expressions seeking confirmation. Beaumont nodded in response to Audrey's introduction and addressed the children.

"That's correct, Lady Aveline and Sir Francis. Mademoiselle Audrey will be your new caretaker. She will take care of both of you while your parents are away, as they are busy with their work," Beaumont explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

Upon hearing this, Aveline's eyes widened with concern. "What does that mean? Mama and Papa won't take care of us anymore?"

"That is not true, Lady Aveline," Beaumont reassured her gently. "Your parents still love you very much, but they have important responsibilities as the First Consul and the owner of enterprises. They have entrusted Mademoiselle Audrey to ensure your well-being and happiness when they are occupied with their duties."

"No…I can't accept this! I want to talk to Papa," Aveline protested.

Beaumont understood the young girl's concern and gently tried to calm her worries. "I understand how you feel, Lady Aveline, but your papa is in an important meeting right now."

"You are misunderstanding something here, Aveline," Francis stepped forward, pressing a hand on his little sister's shoulder. "Audrey would be like other household staff in this palace, but her role is looking after us where our parents can't due to their work."

Audrey smiled at Francis's explanation and nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Lady Aveline," she chimed in, hoping to ease the girl's worries. "Your parents have entrusted me with the responsibility of taking care of you and your brother when they have other important tasks to attend to. I won't be replacing them or taking their place, but rather, I'll be here to support and care for you just like they do."

"But Mama and Papa have always been the ones to take care of us," Aveline said, still uncertain.

Audrey understood the young girl's attachment to her parents and wanted to assure her that she understood.

"I know how much you love your Mama and Papa, and they love you too, Aveline. They want the best for you, and having me here will allow them to focus on their work, knowing that you are in good hands."

Beaumont chimed in, "Mademoiselle Audrey is a kind and capable person, and I assure you that you will grow to trust and appreciate her care for you."

Aveline looked down for a moment, processing their words. "Still, I want to talk to Papa."

"But, Lady Aveline, just as I said earlier—" Beaumont tried to explain.

"I can wait," Aveline interrupted firmly. "Mama and Papa didn't tell us about this, right, brother?"

Francis nodded. "That's correct, Aveline, but I agree with our parents' decision. If this is going to ease their worries, I don't mind."

Audrey was slightly shocked at Francis's reasonable and rational behavior. For a five-year-old, he seemed surprisingly understanding of the situation. She couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the young boy's maturity."Still…brother, I will speak with Papa about this," Aveline said firmly.

Francis sighed. "Do what you want, I'll head over to the library."

Francis's gaze flickered to Audrey, and he asked, "Mademoiselle Audrey, is today your official first day as our caretaker?"

Audrey shook her head. "No, Sir Francis, it will be tomorrow."

"Is that so?" Francis's brows narrowed. "So this is just you introducing yourself?"

"That's correct, Sir Francis," Audrey confirmed with a smile.

"In that case, we'll meet each other officially tomorrow," Francis coolly said before walking away and heading towards the library.

"Monsieur Beaumont, escort me to my papa's office," Aveline ordered.

"As you wish, Lady Aveline," Beaumont replied, nodding at her request. "I will take you to your papa's office, but please remember to be respectful if he is still in the middle of a meeting. We wouldn't want to disturb him."

Aveline nodded firmly, "I promise."

Beaumont then turned to Audrey and spoke. "If you want, you can roam around the palace to familiarize yourself with your new surroundings. I'll have one of the servants show you around."

Audrey smiled gratefully at Beaumont's offer. "Thank you, Monsieur Beaumont."

"I'll have to escort Lady Aveline now," Beaumont said.I think you should take a look at

Audrey watched as Aveline and Beaumont made their way toward the First Consul's office. As she watched them disappear into the distance, she recalled her encounter with the First Consul's children. Francis seemed to be the kid who is easy to deal with, understanding, and willing to cooperate. His mature demeanor for his age surprised Audrey in a positive way. She felt confident that building a rapport with him wouldn't be too challenging. However, Aveline was a different story.

Audrey knew she had her work cut out with Aveline. The young girl's strong attachment to her parents and resistance to change was evident during their brief interaction. Audrey understood that Aveline's emotions were valid, but she also knew that gaining her trust would require time and patience.

Audrey sighed. "It's good that I have a day to prepare."


In the First Consul's office. Beaumont knocked on the door, seeking permission to enter.

"Come in," Napoleon's voice resounded from inside. Beaumont opened the door and stepped inside.

He found Napoleon alone in the office, indicating that his meeting with Talleyrand ended.

"Your Excellency," Beaumont began. "Your daughter wishes to speak with you."

"Aveline?" Napoleon tilted his head to the side. "Oh right…her private tutor session just ended. What does she want?" he asked in his authoritative tone.

"She would like to discuss a matter concerning her new caretaker, Mademoiselle Audrey," Beaumont explained. "It seems she has some concerns and wishes to share them with you."

Napoleon's expression softened. "Ow, I assume that Mademoiselle Audrey and my daughter met. Very well, send her in."

Beaumont nodded and quickly went to fetch Aveline from her room.

"Lady Aveline, your father is ready to see you now," Beaumont informed her gently.

Aveline took a deep breath and nodded, following Beaumont back to her father's office.

As she entered, Napoleon looked up from his desk and smiled at her.

"Aveline, my dear, what brings you here?" he asked warmly.

"Papa, I want to talk to you about Mademoiselle Audrey," Aveline said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Napoleon motioned for her to sit, and she took a chair across from him. "Of course, my dear. What is it that you'd like to discuss?"

Aveline hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's about our new caretaker. Father, is it really necessary?"

"Of course, it is," Napoleon replied without hesitation. "It's becoming challenging for your mother and me to always look after you, especially now that you are more exposed to society. You have made friends, right? I heard there was an instance where you invited them over or the other way around."

"That's... correct," Aveline confirmed, her voice soft.

"Your mother and I won't always be able to be by your side. You can see that by observing how your mother is not always in the palace and I am always stuck in this office. Don't worry, Mademoiselle Audrey is a kind person and she will teach you and your brother a lot of things. She is a unique caretaker."

Aveline hummed aloud before responding. "Mama is still going to read me bedtime stories?"

"Of course," Napoleon confirmed.

"Okay, I will get along with her," Aveline responded, trying to sound more accepting of the situation. "But I still want to spend time with you and Mama too."

Napoleon smiled, appreciating his daughter's willingness to cooperate.

"Of course, my dear. Your mother and I will make sure to spend quality time with you and Francis whenever we can."

Aveline nodded, feeling a bit more at ease with her father's reassurance. "Alright, Papa. I'll give her a chance."

"That's my girl."