We didn’t have the problems that the Mick had, mostly because Reynard just mind-lashed any creature that felt like bugging us and made it freaking plain that if they tried something he was going to turn their brains into puree. Those tyrannical Lightning Beasts all groveled to him and we passed unmolested.

A Stormcrown Eagle did meet us going up the mountain. Actually, there were six of them. They were nice enough to extend their Auras to greet us, a test of sorts as we came up.

Reynard and I completely bloody ignored them as he trotted by, and dared them to do anything about it. The Ruling Eagles watched us as we ambled right on past, completely unaffected by their Auras despite being at the Commander Tier. I had to muffle the Mighty Turk, who like the Monkey he was wanted to jeer at them for daring to try to impress his Mistress and the Great Reynard, puny Birds, hahahaha!

Not that he’d ever dare come up here alone, of course!


Thunderbird was not in His nest when we trotted down into his Eye, Reynard trotting along on the air along the rim to the proper area, pausing at exactly the right spot to let us down, and then we all knelt in proper homage to the Thunderbird. The great Eagle was on His favored perch, looking out over his Domain and the constant threat of storms that brooded above it.

He didn’t even speak before I was turning around and Casting a Portal. His lofty head did turn to see what I was doing, recognized the magic, and He actually turned to face the Portal when He felt the Aura coming through it, even before the view on the other side came up.

“Healer Fae, Reynard, and Mighty Turk greet Flowing Silver High Emperor!” I called out, as we knelt to the great Nine-Tailed Silver Fox, who was high up a frosty mountain this time, glittering with ice.

“HO, IT IS HEALER FAE AGAIN. AND THIS TIME WITH A JUNIOR, AND NOT A LITTLE MONKEY.” His sapphire eyes gleamed as they met the proud golden orbs of the Thunderbird. “SHOO. EMPERORS ARE SPEAKING.”

Turk and I hopped on Reynard, and we all beat a quick retreat to the other side of the Thunderbird’s Eye.


The two Emperor Beasts had no problem keeping the Portal open, even if neither could pass through it. The three of us waited patiently on the far side of the crater there, dozing slightly until we were called for. Notably, the six Stormcrown Eagles didn’t get any closer to the Auras over there than we were.

The fact that I could actually bring up a Portal to a powerful Emperor of the Realm of Beasts made sure the six Eagles shut up and didn’t bother us. I’d been told there were only three Emperor Beasts on the planet who were at the level of Flowing Silver Emperor, and Thunderbird was not one of them. The very fact Flowing Silver knew my name and tolerated my interruption just conveyed massive loads of my standing there, even if He’d not said another word.

But Emperors here didn’t get the chance to talk with their counterparts in the Beast Realm very often, and vice versa. I was sure they had tons of things to chat about, and so I left them to it. After all, it was not the Beasts who had access to the Summoning Magic which crossed the void between our Realms!


I felt the Portal close. Thunderbird’s Will arrived a moment later, saying, “COME, HEALER FAE.”

Naturally I went. The Emperor of North America was calling my proper name!

As Contracted Beasts, Reynard and Turk naturally came with me; it wasn’t a sign of disrespect to include them, but a point of honor. If He didn’t want them there, He could bid them leave.

The Stormcrown Eagles were also given leave to attend and listen, but not to speak. Obviously Thunderbird Emperor wanted what we spoke of to be known and acknowledged.

I knelt once more before the Emperor with my Contracted Beasts. “Healer Fae attends upon Thunderbird Emperor!” I called out firmly. “How may this one serve Him?”


“Humans are a very proud and self-absorbed species, Your Imperial Majesty. Probably because they get smart without getting stronger, and puff themselves up because of it. It does not help that it is difficult for Humans to communicate with other Beasts!”


“No, Your Imperial Majesty, it most definitely was not!”

“WHY DID YOU WISH TO SEE ME?” He asked regally.

“Thunderbird’s nobility is known throughout this continent, even if many Humans discount it. This one did serve under Flowing Silver Emperor, and considered it only proper to pay the same respects to the Emperor of the land this one lives upon in the Mortal World. However, there are difficulties between Humans and many of the Beasts of this world, and so a proper introduction was in order.

“The Runners also seek to elevate their status, and Human Mages are always in need of inspiration to take the next step. This is acceptable and traditional, even if rarely done, and this one used that as her introduction to His Majesty.

“This one’s goals are several in mind. As attending upon His Majesty, this one’s services are available if Thunderbird Emperor is in need of them. They were of great use in the Beast Realm, and this one has grown much stronger since serving under Flowing Silver Emperor.

“This one seeks the return of Whitecrown Eagles to the land we call Michigan! Their return has been approved by Queen Gichigumi and Princess Karognondi, as well as Babe. We even have some nests available for them!”

I made a gesture, and an image of the Refactory Towers came up, built more solidly than before, with tree-like works and tangles near mid-spire.

“This is a Refractory Tower, in a White Mana Zone. This one says these places are available for nesting because this is available to the Whitecrowns who would nest there.”

I drew out a Soul Gem invested with the Heavy Lightning Mana that had been Cracked out of the Manafield there, and offered it to Thunderbird.

It was plucked from my hand with His Will, zipping up in a purple flicker in front of His golden eye to be studied.

The Heavy Mana wasn’t good enough to directly help Him, a full True Emperor, but it didn’t need to be refined down nearly as far as normal Mana. It went without saying that for younger and weaker Eagles it was like a godly elixir!

“With the Towers, the Eagles can actually raise a full clutch of eggs, and do not have to dare the dangers of the sea to do so, nor worry about their Eaglets getting enough Mana for their foundation.

“This is not an imposition on us. We have no true use for the Lightning Mana at this time, and a pair of Eagles and their young will not be able to consume all that is produced.”

Thunderbird considered the winking Soul Gem, and what it might hold for the future. “IF THIS IS TRUE, I WILL SEND SOME YOUNG EAGLES TO NEST IN THESE PLACES.”

I winked up a map of Michigan in Holo, and indicated the spaces where the White Mana Zones and Refractories could be found for them. I noticed all the attending Eagles were memorizing them intently.

“WHAT MORE?” He asked of me.

“If it pleases His Imperial Majesty, this one would like to start disseminating the Vivic Fire all across the lands, including the territories ruled by the Beasts. To match the dispersal of Dark Mana, the number of Braziers such as that must number in the tens of millions, if not more.” I gestured slightly at the Brazier burning low and misty near Thunderbird’s Perch, He was within range of its Mana-purifying effect.

“In addition, this one is capable of making great Pyramids with far greater power and influence, as Flowing Silver Emperor hopefully informed His Imperial Majesty. These can also be constructed for the benefit of Beast Emperors and their Territories.”


“That is it exactly, Your Imperial Majesty, although a Pyramid can do more if directly commanded by a Great Beast. The Capping Pyramid is watched by the Beast Lord, so there is no such need to do anything.”

Now He was gazing at me intently. “YOU WISH TO BUILD ONE HERE.” He actually stomped his talons lightly. “IN MY OWN NEST!”

“Yes, Your Imperial Majesty!” I confirmed.

He was silent for a long moment. “WHAT WOULD SUCH A PILE OF STONE DO?” He asked at the last, not very impressed by the idea.

“The first thing it would do is arrange the Lightning Mana in the earth to mirror the Formation that is constructed in the sky. This would double the power of the Lightning Mana in His Imperial Majesty’s territory, unless He wishes otherwise, and make Him absolute master of such Mana within its sphere of power.”

He actually blinked, and the Stormcrown Eagles fluttered their feathers in surprise. It was a mighty claim!

“The second thing it would do is draw the Dark Mana in within range of its Power Field and purify it, mixing it with the Lightning the Formation is already set up to gather. By standing between Heaven and Earth at the Heart of the Mirrored Formation, the speed at which the Heaven Seeds His Imperial Majesty is growing beneath His Eye would at the minimum quadruple, and lesser Soul and Spirit Seeds condense at somewhere between five and tenfold the speed they do now.”

One of the Eagles actually chirped in astonishment at that, and Thunderbird Emperor didn’t even admonish him, staring at me intently.

“This one does not dare consider the extent, but she believes that contemplating the connection of Lightning between Earth and Sky will also aid His Imperial Majesty’s contemplation of the Storm and its wonders, and aid in His comprehension as the Heaven Seeds would aid in His growth.”

“His Majesty would also be the absolute master of Wind and Void within the Pyramid Power Field. If His Majesty does not wish something to fly, it will not fly. Nothing can manipulate the Veil of reality to bend space or Summon another, and creatures Called from other Realms can be returned to them with but a moment of Will as they are expunged from the Mortal Plane.”

It was fact, and certainly it was tempting. “CAN THIS POWER BE TAKEN FROM ME?” He asked knowingly, considering all that I had said.

“His Imperial Majesty will be involved and observing construction of the Pyramid from top to bottom, His power a part of it. While this one, as the Maker, may shut it down, none will be able to wrest control of it from Him.” I paused for only a moment. “If His Imperial Majesty seeks to destroy it, it is wrought of but Stone. He will certainly be able to tear it apart with force, if not magic, and moreover know where to strike it to render it inoperable.”

He ruminated on that for a long moment. “AND WHERE WOULD YOU BUILD SUCH A HUMAN THING, HEALER FAE?” He asked directly.

“This one would construct it directly under the nest of Thunderbird, that it be removed from the Emperor’s eyesight and that of those who might think to damage it. With His Mastery of Void Magic, this will not impede the Emperor at all.”