Chapter 603 602. A Daughter's Coronation  

Appreciative of the respect and kindness shown, the peasant spoke while holding back his tears, "I'm Alex Payne, Your Holiness. I come from Hillington County of the Zon Duchy. Last year, there was no rain in the region, and our crops were ruined. But Count Hillington refused to hear our plea and demanded the tax as usual. When we couldn't pay, he offered to lend us money so we could pay the tax.

"This year, our crops yielded less than we hoped, and we could only afford to pay the tax in the form of grains. But the Count demanded we repay the loan as well as the interests—we have no such money, Your Holiness.

"The Count would send his soldiers to our village and harass us from time to time. They sometimes beat our people and openly steal from us. On occasion, they even burned down our small homes. We try to hide our wives, mothers, and daughters when they come because… because of rape.

"Many of us tried to stand against them, but before their mighty swords, what can we do? Some of us chose to run away, and others chose to end their own lives. Ten families have committed group suicide. Twenty farmers took their own lives. As Green City was destroyed, we had no way of informing Her Majesty, so I come to plead here—at your feet, Your Holiness."

Once again, the man rose from his seat and knelt down with tears in his eyes. Certainly, he was on the brink of despair, just an inch away from doing what his fellow villagers had done.

Sylvester was very aware that in the past few years, corruption, had met him before. "Lady Aurora, go to the County, investigate the claims, and if they hold true, drag him here in an open cage rape, murder, and thievery had increased since wars and other power struggles consumed the realm.

"Count Hillington?" Sylvester muttered, trying to remember if he had met him before. "Lady Aurora, go to the County, investigate the claims, and if they hold true, drag him here in an open cage carriage. Furthermore, you can manipulate the skies, so ask for help from King Highland. He has mastered farming through various irrigation methods and fertilizers—You will lead a Food Security Commission and watch over regions with weather patterns that negatively affect agriculture."


Lady Aurora stepped forward and saluted Sylvester, "Understood, Your Holiness."

Finally, Sylvester glanced at the farmer, "All debts shall be cleared by my decree. You will receive a written letter with my stamp as proof. Furthermore, in the future, if you ever require a loan, go to Rosewood County. A man named Archpriest Henry runs an official, legal loan business there."

Alex Payne stood up, holding his palms together and praying to Sylvester. Slowly, he stepped backward without turning his back. The entire time, he just cried, overwhelmed to see that there was still someone powerful and willing to listen to them—the nameless, humble peasants.

As Aurora left, Sylvester oversaw the next set of matters. They ranged from petty and trivial to something significant, like what Payne had described. A lot of social security matters had been left unattended for too long and were now erupting as they reached their breaking point.

"Darius, as the Saint Keymaster, I want you to establish a registration system, granting nobles licenses to engage in the money lending businesses in accordance with our rules and regulations. Anybody who does this business without our permission will be deemed a criminal. Furthermore, call forth the Guild Masters of all the adventurer guilds in the Guild Peninsula. I will officially hire them on quests to solve widespread matters of criminal gangs and prevalent crimes." Sylvester swiftly passed his commands to his new chief economist.

In excellent, noble robes, Darius looked much more polished and professional. It was a unique sight at the new Sanctum Council, where most members looked youthful. "Understood, Your Holiness."

However, Sylvester wasn't done and looked at the Inquisitor High Lord. "Call forth the Guild Masters of major Assassin Guilds. I would like to ask them if they still intend to pursue the bounties that were placed on me."

With that, Sylvester moved on to the last visitor of the day. This one was special, and for this occasion, he had even invited some other nobles, mainly the King and Queen of Highland, Queen Isabella, King Kaecilius, and many more high nobles.

Gabriel, standing beside Sylvester, signaled to the staff to fully open the gates, allowing for a grand entrance while announcing the guest's name.

The herald at the gates shouted, "In the House of Solis—Arrives the Queen-to-be of Blackhart Kingdom—Zylena Sor Blackhart, the undying, the one who lived, the one who triumphed!"

As Sylvester had promised, the massive gates of the Holy Court opened. Flower petals fell from the ceiling as a lone woman walked in, wearing her regal red gown, looking so beautiful that even the castrated Clergymen felt their hearts move, much to Sylvester's anger—the scents were evident to his nose. With a radiant, cheerful smile adorning her face, Zylena walked toward Sylvester gracefully, lifting the hem of her gown from the front. Her ashen-black hair was left trailing down behind her, and a newfound hint of maturity graced her face.

"Father!" Zylena chirped.

Sylvester nearly choked at her shameless teasing. Sensing the murmurs, he welcomed her loudly as well, "Ah, how are you, my adopted daughter, whom I saved in the Divine Desert?"

"Hehe…" Zylena giggled and stopped at the base of the stairs. "I'm well… Elder Einarr spoils me a bit too much, but he's kind and honest. However, I must thank you for bringing the Blackhart Kingdom back to its architectural glory after the ominous earthquake."

Sylvester smiled, savoring her joy. He had planned the reconstruction a long time ago, and thankfully, it had come to fruition without much corruption. He got up and walked down toward her.

"Betrayed, harmed, starved, sold, hurt, and so much more." Sylvester addressed her loudly, starting her coronation speech. "She never stopped searching for the bright shore. Never wavered, never faltered. With her own hands, her destiny she altered. Zylena Maximilian Sor Blackhart—a daughter in all but blood, I pronounce you the Queen of Blackhart. May you rule with justice, bravery, intelligence, and above all… a compassionate heart."

With a small tear in the corner of her eyes, Zylena knelt down on one knee to receive her crown from the Pope himself. There could never be any higher authority to legitimize her inheritance and rule.

'I wonder what role you play in the grand scheme of things. The First Pope said you are my door—where it leads remains to be explored.' Sylvester gently lifted up the new crown as Gabriel presented it on a cushion. It gleamed brightly, made of gold, and adorned with various gems—diamonds, rubies, and even some precious skygems. It was heavy despite looking light. It was magical despite looking ordinary.

"I pray for your long and just reign. The true peak of growth you may attain."

At last, he lowered the crown onto her head. But just to make it more regal, he created a shining light from his palm to make her feel warm. Under his breath, he chanted a hymn, casting a halo of light behind his head.

The crowds gasped in the radiant glory. It was a rare sight to see Sylvester look so holy. All hands across the assembly instinctively placed their palms together, raised in prayer.

"Arise—Queen Blackhart," Sylvester announced.

Zylena looked and stood up, her eyes tearful. She wanted to leap forward and hug Sylvester, but she used all the willpower she had to restrain herself.

"Thank you, Your Holiness." She respectfully stepped away from him. "I am honored to receive this crown from you. In the name of Solis, I vow to uphold the holy law and become a just ruler of Blackhart."

Sylvester smiled and clapped his hands once to gain everyone's attention, "That's enough for today. I hereby adjourn the Holy Court until tomorrow."

However, Sylvester walked past Zylena and whispered something to her ears, "The real celebration is starting now. Come to the terrace gardens."

Instantly, Zylena's eyes lit up, and she silently stepped all the way back out of the hall. She rushed to her room to change clothes, well aware that the evening was going to be fun and wild.

As the evening dawned, the terrace of the Pope's Palace lit up with various magical torches. The entire terrace was a massive garden, which could almost be called a forest. From dense trees to flower gardens and lakes, there were even some untamed gentle animals.

Part of it was reserved for the evening celebrations. It was mainly meant to celebrate not only Zylena's coronation but also Sylvester's rise to Popehood. Of course, not all were allowed there. Only Sylvester's closest, trusted ones were there.

The new Sanctum Council, various Kings and Queens, some nobles, and some other Clergymen and Bright Mothers joined. Sylvester had also called for some talented bards to play music and make it a dance night. The food was also in plenty, with at least three dishes prepared with Miraj in mind—all in large quantities.

Magic flew around everywhere as they all played some tricks while chatting with one another. They were, after all, some of the strongest and most influential people in the world gathered in one place. But nobody was the Pope, Inquisitor, or Priest there—they were just people enjoying their time together. "Your Holiness, may I have this dance?" Zylena beckoned Sylvester.

Sylvester chuckled and grabbed her hand. He allowed her to drag him to the dance floor, and she started to speak playfully, "So… My father in all but blood… What happens next? What's the grand plan?"

"You get married and bring your bloodline back from extinction." Sylvester shamelessly replied.


Zylena pouted, "I'm only seventeen—I didn't struggle that long just to lock myself into another form of emotional slavery. I'm talking about adventures, father… Are we going to conquer Beastaria? Can I join?"

Sylvester sighed and patted Zylena's shoulder, "I'm afraid there won't be any need to conquer them. They will soon come to me, pleading for help… Just do a good job running your Kingdom, my dear. Ask Isabella how hard it can be."

Zylena groaned and hugged Sylvester, placing her head on his chest, "I know. That's what I'm afraid of—this power and wealth might change me for the worse."


Sylvester gently knocked on her head. "That's what I'm here for. If you ever falter, I'll be here to guide you back on track."

"Hehe…" She giggled. "I think Einarr does enough of that. He's practically a nagging grandpa now… But I'm grateful."

"You should be. He had nothing but the hope that you were alive, and for that hope, he rebuilt the entire Blackhart Kingdom," Sylvester said and looked around. "Go now, dance with someone young."

"You're young."

He chuckled. 'In body, yes. In heart…?'

Soon enough, Sylvester found himself standing with the boys—Felix and Gabriel. They talked about the usual things: books, magic, and women, the last being Felix's forte. Felix hadn't fully recovered from his trauma, but Isabella was doing a great job rehabilitating him.


Sylvester snapped his fingers and generated a massive spark of pure magic, "I've grown stronger in magic. So I think I can do things I couldn't before…"

Felix's eyes, hidden inside the visor, lit up, "You mean…"

Sylvester nodded and placed one hand on Felix's armor-clad shoulder, "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Felix was thrilled.

Sylvester didn't react and just took out latex gloves from his pocket. He put them on firmly, making squishy, rubbery sounds, and snapped them on his wrists.

"Alright, drop your pants, boy."



[A/N: See Queen Zylena]

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