The word of Sylvester's arrival at the Holy Land spread across the various peninsulas like wildfires. The Clergymen who had remained behind came to see him, each offering their reasons for not joining him. Some of them were Sylvester's loyalist Elders of the Council of Thirty-Two, and some were the developers of the new weapons in the weapons research division. Others were the main priests of the Gold Peninsula, which housed the Magna Sanctum temple.

Of course, there were still a few who had refused to join Sylvester's side due to their personal dislike towards him. Being that young and having surpassed them in every possible way was a taste not everyone could digest.

For them, Sylvester had no mercy. The Church needed a fresh start, and Sylvester wasn't going to do a half-hearted job.

In the backdrop of preparations for the ceremony, Sylvester also called forth an unofficial meeting of the Sanctum Council. He arrived before anybody else to check the chamber. It had no wooden furniture inside, and everything was made of plain white stone, from tables to chairs. Not a single cupboard or window decorated the room.

But Sylvester knew that the table in the middle of the room had a few features, such as the creation of maps. There was also a hidden locker in the room, somewhere hidden inside the wall.

However, before Sylvester could check the walls, he heard the knocks on the door, and soon the members of the council began entering. But there were a few extra people, such as Aurora, Gabriel, and Elyon.

"Your Holiness." They greeted him.

Sylvester nodded and took the larger seat at the end of the table and watched as others took seats at the sides. He didn't have the aura of the Pope yet, nor did he have the clothes—he was still wearing his armor, just armless.

"Where's Saint Seer?" Sylvester noted the absence of the spymaster, something he had already anticipated. The man was a rat all along, and he must have sensed his impending doom.

Saint Wazir lowered his head, "We don't know, Your Holiness. He ran when the army of the Holy Land left for battle… you."

Sylvester shrugged and waved his hand, "He'll get what's coming for him. The reason why I called you all is to announce a shuffle in the Sanctum Council."

He allowed the words to sink into their minds, making them nervous—mainly the older Sanctum Council members. They constantly feared being blamed and killed for not standing by the rightful heir to the Popehood.

Sylvester continued, "Saint Wazir, Cardinal Ethias Lovecraft will be removed from his position, and Gabriel will be taking over the office. Cardinal Lovecraft will be acting as an advisor to Gabriel—only as an advisor."

"I accept the proposition." Saint Wazir responded immediately, wanting to get away from the job as quickly as possible. "I will gladly advise Bishop Gabriel."

"Cardinal… Gabriel." Sylvester corrected him and kept going. "Saint Medico, Cardinal Charles Nos Leeds, will be taking an advisor role as well. But let me be clear. I'm not removing you out of spite or any dissatisfaction with your performance. If anything, I am indebted to you for taking my advice during the spread of the plague and acting swiftly." Saint Medico looked at Sylvester in confusion. "Then why am I being removed, Your Holiness? I still wish to serve the realm."

"And you will," Sylvester replied. "I'm placing you as an advisor to a man who even you'd feel honored to assist—The famed Healer Hendrix will be the next Saint Medico, and will lead this realm to an era of new medicine."

In reality, Sylvester hadn't asked the man yet. But he was sure he could get him to agree, as being on the Sanctum Council meant knowing the highest decisions before they were made. As the man had an elven woman as wife and a half-elf daughter, it was the best position to ensure their safety.

"I-It will be an honor to assist him and learn from him, Your Holiness." Saint Medico accepted the proposal with joy.

Sylvester nodded and looked at Saint Keymaster, Helix Steelworth, the man who took care of the finances of the Church. Sylvester had no complaints about the man, but he had a better man for the job. An ex-noble man, ex-slave, with perfect memory, one trained in the ways of business management—Darius Vulcan Marcellus.

"Cardinal Steelworth, the man who helped me run my businesses will take the job of Saint Keymaster. Please assist him and help him whenever needed… As for the position of Inquisitor High Lord. Lord Inquisitor will keep serving me in that position, but at the same time, he will train Lady Aurora to be the next Inquisitor High Lord. Furthermore, I'm creating a new position called Saint Viceman, given to Felix Sandwall, and he will hold signing authority when I'm not in the Holy Land.

"Another position, Saint Externum, will be made to deal with the Holy Land's relations with other kingdoms, and further across the sea—Elyon will be taking that role."

Sylvester concluded the announcement of all the changes, though still keeping a few hidden. The new Saint Seer had also been chosen, but he wanted to keep it a secret for the time being.

"I will oversee the Department of Education, agriculture, innovation, industries, and war strategies," Sylvester added, drawing boundaries. "A new set of laws will be created called the Constitution, which shall formalize law and order, not only for the Church but also nobles and commoners. This will serve as the foundation for judging criminals within the realm.

"The Church will conduct recruitment exams for Judges twice a year. Their psychology, knowledge of the Constitution, and wits will be examined. Furthermore, the Holy Army shall have an extra role from now on. We shall be independent investigators of crimes against not only faith but also humanity—rape, murder, slavery, sacrifices, demon burning, and corruption.

"Remember, in the new world I'm trying to make, there is no place for savagery—either be civilized or die like a savage."

Sylvester concluded his speech and stood up, wanting to finish their meeting. It was one-sided, as only he spoke and gave orders. But it was expected, as the current condition of the Church demanded someone to step forward and assume command.I think you should take a look at

"Send invitations to monarchs of all kingdoms. Tell them to bring their children, firstborn sons and daughters especially. They will get their education for the new era we're trying to make. I will personally teach them on occasion." Sylvester said, although it was something the Holy Land had done before as well. The only difference was that back in the day, not everyone followed the decree.

With that, Sylvester walked toward the door and, before exiting, looked at the table. One by one, he stared into the eyes of each. "My brothers and sisters in faith—for the first time in the Church's history, we're free from any hidden hands. Saint Scepter had a hidden agenda and toyed with the Pope, while Saint Scepter himself was also controlled by a higher power, akin to Solis. But this time, let there be light; as far as the world is in our sight, let it shine bright."

"B-But… Your Holiness!" Saint Wazir stopped him before he left. "What about Beastaria?"

Sylvester's brows creased at the man, scaring him. "It is being taken care of—Dismissed."

He opened the door and left the room, leaving everyone to ponder about various things. Sylvester's words were simple, but they guided everyone to believe that the new Church's higher structure wouldn't heavily prioritize diplomacy. Sylvester was going to be an absolute ruler, and the fate of the Council of Thirty-Two seemed in shambles.

It made them wonder if Sylvester would be a radically strong leader like the first Pope and create a peaceful world, or would he be akin to Atrox the Mad, and usher all into another dark age.

In Beastaria, Greenpeaks

"HE'S DEAD! The damn demon killed King Gargantua, just like his son! We're doomed; the affliction of the demon is spreading into Greenpeaks—there's nothing we can do!" Shouted King Egomorius, panicking, his pale blue scales showing signs of sweat.

King Malisius calmly sat in his place, being the strongest of the dragons, "What's the word from the elves? Did they agree to deal with this jointly?"

King Egomorius almost shouted but held his breath back, not wanting to anger the stronger being in the room, "No word! They're ignoring us, King Malisius—what better than to see the destruction of dragons? The Beastkins are useless; they have no Supreme Wizard. The giants won't come out of their walled city, and dwarves aren't a fighting race—There's nowhere to go."

King Malisius stood up, cracking his red-scaled neck, and gazed at the floating globe on the table before him. It displayed the world's map but divided it into regions of influence. The only thing he could see changing on it was the Holy Land's influence finally taking over the entire Sol, and the curse of the Demon Zama'tar spreading toward Greenpeaks.

"I received the word; the elves are not avoiding us—they simply can't spare efforts to help us, for they have a far greater Demon to deal with—one silent, invisible, and brings death definitely," King Malisius muttered while looking at Alfia on the globe. "They must be looking for help desperately."

King Egomorius stared at his fellow king in confusion, "What happened to the elves?"


"It's madness out there—Brother, we'll be wiped out at this rate," Avanss shouted as he entered King Rathagun's chambers. His breath was ragged, his face looking pale. He was wearing strange clothing that covered him from head to toe, not even leaving himself some space to breathe.

King Rathagun, sitting in his royal office, held his face, rubbing it in exhaustion, "How many deaths today?"

"Ten percent of the population has fallen. At this rate, all of Deca Imperia City would be gone in a few more months. We must find a cure to this illness, brother—it's a plague that will ruin us all, no matter the species." Avanss cautioned, his voice straining his throat. "Have the elders found anything?"

King Rathagun shook his head. "They haven't. All they've found is that the plague also consists of Solarium, and is likely unnatural—if we don't find the one who made it, we won't obtain the cure."

Avanss wearily sank into a seat, started taking off the robes, and took a deep breath. "This is madness. The demon, and now the plague. Could it be that the demon created this plague? It's as powerful as a Supreme Wizard."

At wit's end, King Rathagun had no answer. The chaos was too sudden and had gotten so big. They had to close all of Alfia's borders to ensure the plague didn't enter the kingdom, but that meant giving up on all elves that were outside.

He sighed and clasped his hands together. "O' Remira, we are seekers of your affections—please grant us your protection."


[A/N: Next chapter in Editor's possession. It will be up soon.]

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