The bells rang all over the city as a menacing announcement of what had transpired inside the walls no commoner could see. They rang ten times at once.

But the streets of River City were full of cheering crowds as they partied, ate and drank. It was the last day of the celebrations, after all. So everyone was drinking and eating more than usual.

Not to mention, nobody gave a damn about king Riveria since the man was too old and rarely showed his face outside. The last time people saw him was two years ago, so most people didn't even know if their king was alive.


"Get out of the way!"

But opposing the cheers, the loud footsteps of a marching army were echoing in the city. Duke Conrad and his brother had arrived and were in the process of taking over the city. They had decided not to leave any chance where the council members could place a puppet king and announce him.

However, a bigger drama occurred inside the castle as the Duke made his way towards it.

Inside the castle, as Sylvester came out of the room and announced that the king was dead, a frenzy took over. People, instead of rushing into the room to see the dead body started running away. The women from the harem rushed out while the council members hurried to have a meeting and vote for the next king.

The only one left behind was Grand Wizard Atlas, the first Grand Wizard of the kingdom. He went inside the room and checked the king's body. It was so thin that it was hard to even see it as a human. It was just a skeleton with some skin on it.

"So, what will you do now, Lord Atlas?" Sylvester asked, as the man had an official rank of a Count but without any land.

The Grand Wizard fixed his moustache and looked at the king's dead body. "He wanted me to make Prince James the king because he has the talent of Arch Wizard. While the council of ten wants to make Prince Logarth the king, as he also has the talent of Arch Wizard, but he's barely ten—and ripe for manipulation."

Sylvester could smell the confusion and disgust from the man. The Grand Wizard was disgusted at his king's choice, it appeared. But, if it were him, he'd feel the same. The king was a blind fool who gave more importance to magical rank than actual talent in running a kingdom.

Sylvester didn't say anything directly, however. Though he knew from Duke Conrad's mouth that he had the support of all the Grand Wizards, that meant Atlas too.

"All I will say is that your duty lies with the kingdom and its people. Not to the king, not to the council—The people, the faith and their prosperity. But in the end, it's for you to decide. But I hope my words brought you some clarity."

Lord Atlas glanced at Sylvester, clearly reading the meaning underneath his words. It was a warning that the wrong choice could enrage the Holy Land, as king Riviera had already angered them enough.

Conrad was openly pro-church and also experienced enough to run the kingdom. Therefore, the man was the best choice for the king among all. But the council was also influential as it belonged to well-established affluent families.

Sylvester walked away while singing a little hymn.

♫The battle between logic and duty is tough.

But as long as the mind can call the bluff.

One can overcome situations, no matter how rough.

May the holy light prevail and warm this land enough.♫

Sylvester left the room and headed to the castle's throne room as Duke Conrad was to arrive there with his younger brother. There, the Duke was to take the throne and the crown while also addressing any opposition in a very 'civil' manner.

"Lady Aurora, did you receive any words from the Holy Land?" Sylvester asked as he walked with the woman.

"I did, just an hour ago. They gave us the go." She handed him a folded parchment with a wax seal from the Pope's office. Sylvester took a sigh of relief and put it in his pocket. "Good. Let's end this and return. For the first time, I've started to feel homesick."

"Me too." She reciprocated the feelings. "So much has occurred to us in the past few months that it's hard to digest. I'm seriously going to need a small holiday and ease up."

"And get your promotion as well. I should already congratulate you, Ninth Guardian of Light," Sylvester teasingly said, as it always excited Aurora.

"Oh, you! I should also congratulate you. With this achievement in your bag, you should be made a Cardinal already. Bringing peace to Gracia and Riveria—Ah, I never thought I'd see the day arrive," she mumbled.

Sylvester didn't say anything about that, though. He knew that his tongue was poisonous. Every time he hoped for something, it got jinxed and created more trouble.

"Sylvester, teach me to play that Violin of yours later. Music has always fascinated me, but sadly, I never got much time to try it. I may be a broken flute when it comes to singing, but I should be able to play it," she requested.

'Of course. I can already imagine Inquisitor High Lord not allowing you,' Sylvester thought.

He agreed instantly, "Sure."

Amidst their talking, they arrived at the throne room. It was truly massive, with blue silk curtains hanging everywhere; golden carvings and engravings on the many blue pillars of the hall.

The throne was set at the middle-front end of the hall, seven steps above on a platform. It was made of gold and iron, with many blue diamonds and other expensive items. Behind the throne was a huge flag of the Riveria kingdom.

At that moment, four men stood on the platform—two on each side of the throne.

"Be prepared. There are too many guards near the entrance and exits of the hall." Sylvester warned Lady Aurora as he walked in and made his way through the crowd.

The throne remained empty, as Duke Conrad had only arrived just now with his vast army that had surrounded the entire castle and many key locations.

"It's good to be back home." Duke Conrad proclaimed in front of the large audience in the hall.

Along with the council of ten, who each had their seats perpendicular to the throne, in two rows, facing each other, there were also many more influential men of the realm who had come to see the king for the last time. There were also a few senior harem members of the king, standing with their sons proudly, waiting for the proclamation that their son would be the new king.

Behind Duke Conrad was another man with nearly identical features but a few inches shorter and slimmer. He also commented, "The hall looks as magnificent as always. So go ahead, big brother, take the throne."

"I should." Duke Conrad, with a big smile, walked towards the stairs leading to the throne.

"Stop!" Suddenly one of the council members nearest to Conrad stood up. "The council has decided the king already, and it shall be Prince Logarth."

"My son?!" A woman exclaimed from the crowds and came running forwards in a hurry while holding her ten-year-old son in her arms. Her eyes seemed full of excitement and happiness. After all, she was going to be called Queen Mother now.

"Halt!" Grand Wizard Atlas' voice roared from beside the throne. "The council has no say in who becomes the king. Our beloved king Derek Riveria has already shared who he wished to see on the throne—with us four."



"He did."

The other three Grand Wizards nodded with Atlas but remained mostly silent as it wasn't their place to speak.

So Atlas continued, "By the old king's command, the new king shall be… Duke Conrad!"

"This is heresy towards the ethos of this kingdom! You have no proof of what king Derek wanted!" A council member roared, trying to defend their rights and place a puppet king.Boom!


Just then, Sylvester walked forward with Lady Aurora beside him. He slammed the butt of his spear on the ground hard enough to make it sound loud. "The Holy Land gives its blessing to the new king, Conrad Fitz Riveria—May he bring about a century of common prosperity and warmth of Solis to the people."

Lady Aurora then showed the letter from the Holy Land. "By the Grace of the Holy Father, his eminence, Pope Axel Tar Kreed, the wise—Conrad Fitz Riveria is accepted as the official king of Riveria in the Holy Records. May the Holy Light enlighten us all!"

"Haha… See that? Not only my father, but the Holy land also approves." Duke Conrad laughed and continued to climb the stairs. But, at the same time, for some strange reason, he was taking off his armour and then the silk tunic.

By the time he reached the throne, he had thrown away his upper clothes, and his back was in open view. It was riddled with old scars that had filled over time.

"We do not accept this! We shall write letters to the lords of Riveria and have you denounced!" The councilmen threatened.

But Conrad didn't reply and simply took the crown from Lord Atlas and placed it over his head. But even now, he didn't face the people and kept showing his back.

"Silence!" Conrad roared. "You will denounce me? Like you did my mother? While she killed herself right on these stairs? Where were you when my father dared marry another woman? Where were your laws when he brought all these whores into this castle? Where were you?!"

"Look at all these scars on my back. Five hundred and thirty-two! There are many more over other places—All inflicted by you council members and those whores! Assassins, abuse, and neglect! We were royal princes, and you treated us worse than orphans!"

Conrad finally took his seat and sat proudly on the throne. But his face appeared cold and rageful as he looked at those in the hall. His bare chest appeared wide, and his body was built like a warrior. But even the front of him was covered in scars.

"My brother and I suffered long enough at your hands! Riveria has suffered enough from scheming plans! No more! Because today, for each scar—A toll will be levied—In blood!"

The silence broke in as many eyes widened. They understood the meaning of Conrad's words, and their hearts sank deep.


Everyone glanced at the gates and noticed them getting closed shut while hundreds of soldiers from Conrad's army took position behind the crowd.

"Today, let all your hearts give up in shivers! Because today dies the old kingdom of Rivers! DO IT!" Conrad roared.




"No! My child!"

"Please… Forgive us!"

Cries of apologies and pain echoed throughout the hall. But the new king remained stoically seated, the Grand Wizards watched the massacre plainly, and the younger brother smiled.

No mercy was shown: man, woman, councilman, harem or step-siblings—all got their hearts stabbed and throats slit. No chance was given to any to submit.

The soldiers mercilessly moved around and painted the floor red.

For the two brothers, it was payback for their mother's spilt blood. It was payback for the loss of the mother the two brothers loved.

But it was only the beginning, for only a few were present in the hall. After all, the old king's harem was not small.


GT = 1 Bonus chapter.

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.