Sylvester glanced at Lady Aurora, and she looked back at him. Both their eyes met, and without words, they communicated on instincts.

"What now?" She inquired.

Sylvester shrugged and walked back to the carriage. "Now we wait for tomorrow. Even then, if they don't let us enter, perhaps I will have to gather some attention."

The two had been really tired after months of constant fighting. First, the whole demon deal and then the war. They just wanted peace of mind after completing this, but fate certainly wished to make them suffer a bit more.

So, the two spent the night in the carriage itself as it was their most protected spot. They could move at a moment's notice if needed.

Thankfully, though, no overnight attack happened. The following day, Sylvester woke up early and got them hot milk and buttered bread to eat. Then, they waited until the sun was up and the streets became full of activity.

Again, they went to the castle wall gates and spoke to the guards. Sylvester, again, showed the paper as this was a different guard. "It's urgent, by the order of the Holy Land."

"Ah… But His majesty returned late at night after yesterday's hunting excursion. He's tired right now and sleeping in the Castle. Please come back in the evening. Perhaps he'd be in the mood to see guests by then." The guard replied as if he was a machine, so monotonous.

It was easy to see that the man had memorised this reply.

Sylvester sighed and turned around. Though Lady Aurora was pissed. She got to the guard's face and roared. "You little… Do you have any idea who you speak to? I am a Guardian of Light from the Holy Land."

The guard, however, didn't appear threatened. "I can't."

Sylvester pulled Lady Aurora back. "Leave him, Lady Aurora. This man clearly is forsaken by the light of Solis. That's why he lies like this. But, unfortunately for him, Solis sees it all and everything leads to final judgement after death."

Sylvester tried to scare the man with his religious talks. And it seemed to work as well as he noticed a frown on his face and the scents of fear. But the man didn't back down. Instead, he kept telling them to come back in the evening.

So, they were denied an audience with the King for the second time.

"Let's go and see the Monastery. Cardinal Suprima should be there. Perhaps, he can help us." Sylvester decided and got back on the carriage.

It was still morning, so they had much time to kill. They decided to also do some sightseeing in the city and see how the people lived and their mindset regarding the church. After all, in a kingdom so hostile towards the Holy Land, there were bound to be some issues.

Soon, they parked the carriage in the yard of the massive Monastery in the city and walked inside the tall, well-maintained building to meet Cardinal Suprima.

"Why is everything so calm and desolate here?" Lady Aurora wondered.

Sylvester felt it, too, as he looked at the various parts of the premises. The palace was the office of Cardinal Suprima, and it was supposed to be busy all the time due to the multiple requests made by the people or other smaller monasteries around the region.

This time, Lady Aurora took the lead as her rank eclipsed a Cardinal Suprima. "I am the Tenth Guardian of Light, Aurora Foxtron. Bring me to the Cardinal; I wish to speak with him."

They spoke to the first man they found after entering the Monastery, which turned out to be a Bishop.

"Respected Lady Tenth, it's an honour to see you here. We were not told about your arrival." The man bowed his head with respect. "I am James Mason, Bishop and the acting Cardinal Suprima."

"Acting? What happened to the original Cardinal Suprima?" Sylvester asked.

"He… Sadly, he passed away last year, and since then, no new cardinal has been appointed here. I have sent an application time and time again, but they only tell me to wait." Bishop replied.

Sylvester could smell the conspiracy from a mile away. Someone must have killed the Cardinal. "Tell me, Bishop. What's the current state of the faith in the River City and the region itself? Please be honest."

The man looked at Lady Aurora with his scared brown eyes and pale, sweaty face. "Please come with me to the office, lest the walls may grow ears."

"Lead the way."

So, they soon entered the Cardinal's office and took seats by the table. But the Bishop didn't sit and just answered their previous question. "The situation is dire, my lady. The King has gone completely senile and anti-faith. I used to be the River Castle's resident clergyman before. But then I was thrown out, and soon the Cardinal died.

"The people also share that same sentiment thanks to King's men spreading harmful rumours about the faith. And when we send men around the region to preach, the guards come and, every single time, push the crowd around to make them leave. They even arrest clergymen, saying we held an unlawful gathering."

Sylvester didn't mind, though. All he needed was one single meeting with the King, and that would be the game over. But, sadly, even meeting him was proving to be complicated."Can you do something to have us enter the Castle? We're here to stop the war." Sylvester asked.

Bishop shook his head. "The war won't stop, I'm afraid. King Riveria has spread the word to the masses to join the army. The various workshops are running day and night to produce war goods. He wants Gracia Kingdom, and he won't stop."

"We will make him. Bishop, I am Sylvester Maximilian, Bard of the Lord. You must have guessed that by my looks. Tell me, how many men do we have in the Monastery? I wish to force the King to come out if he won't invite me." Sylvester inquired with confidence oozing in his voice.

"The Monastery is a big one. We have thirty bright mothers, three hundred Clergymen, and a single company of a hundred men of the Holy Army. What is your plan, my lord?" Bishop Mason asked in hope.

"Ah! There it is!" Lady Aurora exclaimed. "That smile! I know it!"

Sylvester did smile schemingly. "The plan is simple!"

The best way to scare a man is first to find what he is scared of and then intensify his fears a hundred times.

What does a man who dislikes the faith of Solis fear the most? A man like Sylvester, of course.

Sylvester had decided that in his pursuit to cause an uproar, he was also going to do something good in the name of the faith. So, he called ten soldiers from the Holy Army and made them wear their ceremonial clothing, a bright white armour with golden capes and well-polished golden helmets.

Then, he called for five Bright Mothers who knew how to sing. They, too, were to wear their freshly cleaned clothes. As for Sylvester, he was to wear customary church robes, but this time completely white, with a red cloth around his shoulder. He appeared as ordinary as any man, but when he started singing the hymns and the back of his head shined in bright light—he was the most spectacular.

Sylvester walked to the front with lady Aurora by his side. Behind him were five Bright Mothers, singing each line loudly after he was done. Then, behind them were the ten soldiers in a long matrix formation, thumping their feet as if marching.

Not to mention, Sylvester had utilised the love of Bight Mothers towards him and asked them to spread the word around the entire City that the famed Bard of the Lord had come to bless the land. Thankfully, even if the people hated the clergymen, none could come to hate the sweet-talking Bright Mothers.

♫Hear me! This is a sacred hymn!

Oh, mortals of this land, soak in this rhyme!

To remember Solis, you don't need time!

Be it someone who lives well or does crime.

Everyone is worthy of one forgiveness—to <anno data-annotation-id="23ba3773-6944-79f3-cf9a-0f84fc0fd1ab">sublime</anno>.♫

♫If I have mistaken, you can openly bemoan.

But trust me, I can help you be a better person.

I can turn you into your own better version.

So, come, join me in this holy sermon.♫

Sylvester's words were neutral and didn't mean to vindicate anyone. He knew that at this stage, what he said didn't matter, but what he looked like did. After all, no other man was known to any, who was blessed with a halo behind the head.

The city disliked the clergy, but that didn't mean their faith in the Solis was gone. It had merely dwindled, and that was now being rekindled. Many eyes went numb, and their hearts were shaken. After all, magic was so ordinary that nothing felt like a miracle in the world anymore.

But Sylvester's ethereal sight, his perfect face, golden blonde hair, golden eyes and the light—they were anything but otherworldly for most eyes.

'Yes! It's working! Haha…!' Sylvester cheered proudly as he smelled the extreme scent of tulips—the Worship was off the charts.Sylvester glanced at Lady Aurora beside him and gave the nod.

With that, she walked beside him and raised his right palm forward. From it, shining bolts of white electricity started to rise. Soon, they became huge and formed various shapes in the sky ahead of Sylvester.

Eventually, they started taking precise forms of people. But who were they? None knew though Sylvester was there to teach.

♫Watch the lives of those who came before.

The first Pope—to Solis, who opened the door.

Allowing the light to bask on us—more and more.

He was the light to our lost souls, who got us to the shore.♫

Sylvester made it clear that the spectacle was massive and awe-inspiring enough to produce goosebumps. And what Lady aurora made was the representation of many popes in history.

♫The one to unite us under one warm light.

The Pope who never lost any holy fight.

The Warrior Pope spread the faith to new heights.

None before, none ever shall match his might!♫

The scene of Pope Pollux Ragthon appeared in the sky, stabbing a demon. It was clear enough to understand and send shudders down bodies. The people were genuinely finding a new love for the faith.

Sylvester kept singing but never stopped. He roamed across the city, and soon, behind him, thousands of people walked—crowding the streets as if they were a flood, passing through the lands.

At last, Sylvester decided it was time and marched towards the castle. Singing, he kept telling the tale of Popes.

No one realised where they were going. But the crowd made the castle guards shudder in fear. They didn't know what to do. Attack or not? Because they, too, were mesmerised.


Finally, Sylvester stopped ten metres from the castle wall's gate and turned around to face the crowd. Many among the people had tears in their eyes and watched him in adoration. It was this easy to manipulate them, Sylvester thought.

♫My beloved brothers and sisters of the faith.

To meet me today was your absolute fate.

But I'm afraid the big man there feels nothing but hate.

So, for the next hymn, I'm afraid I will be very—late!♫


Out of nowhere, a few masked men in dark blue tight clothes appeared behind Sylvester, wearing the uniform of Riveria Royal Guards, and put a black sack on Sylvester's head, then tied it with a rope.

In seconds, they picked him up and disappeared, leaving the crowd confused—feeling abused.


GT = 1 Bonus chapter.

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.


<annotations style="display: none;"><ol class="tinymce-annotation-container"><li data-annotation-id="23ba3773-6944-79f3-cf9a-0f84fc0fd1ab">Sublime - elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence.]</li></ol></annotations>",