'What would you do if you had the power to do anything with a snap, Max?'

'What a silly question, Felix. I'd immediately erase myself from everyone's mind and go somewhere secluded with my mum. There I'd grow my own food, chop my own wood and be at peace.'

'That's crazy. No world domination? Not becoming a god? Not getting all the pretty ladies?'

'Ugh... too much work and stress in that. Why be a god of someone else when you can be your own god? Anyway, go to sleep now; we have work tomorrow.'

A random exchange with his friend passed through Sylvester's mind as he slowly felt his senses returning to the body. He felt strong wind brushing past his skin, and there was also the warmth of the Solarium.

"Hmm..." He hummed while trying to wake up.

"So you woke up? Don't worry. I will carry you to the village as you did for me the last time."

Sylvester was alerted as he slowly opened his eyes. The first thing that came into his view was the pleasant face of Lady Aurora, vibrant as always with a kind smile.


"But I carried you on my back. You have me in a princess carry... and why am I still naked?"

She chuckled and kept walking while looking at his face. "You're not naked; I did cover your crotch with a cloth. Also, you had too many injuries all over your body. So, don't worry, my little blondie brother--big sister will have you healed in no time."


"Uwaaa!" Sylvester jolted into her arms and shoved himself away.

He fell to the ground and started vomiting almost instantaneously. Though, he cursed loudly as only blood came out of his mouth. "Damn that Shadow Knight...!"

'Did the blood clot spread further? I need to find a magic healer fast... one who can keep a secret.'

Lady Aurora helped him by patting his back. "What happened? What did the Shadow Knight do?"

"Nothing," He changed the topic as he cleaned his mouth. "What happened after I fell?"

She scoffed, "You fell? No, it was the demon who fell. Though it was troublesome for me, and not to mention, I nearly got my soul erased. After you severed the root, the demon lost all its powers, but it still had some leftovers in its body.

"At that point, I realised I was stuck in it as the root was disconnected. So I had to fight for my soul's survival by killing the remaining parts of the demon. I was like a caterpillar eating the fruit from inside. Eventually, I finished it and freed myself before returning to my body."

"Y-You ate a demon?" Sylvester glanced at her in doubt, "There ought to be some side effects."

She shrugged, "I don't know. Only time will tell, and I will get myself checked once we return to the Holy Land. But first, let's savour the taste of victory. We have killed a Soul Eater, Sylvester--an X-class demon. This alone is enough to get public recognition in the church as we saved the world from the calamity that the ninth Pope faced centuries ago."

"What about the souls?" He asked weakly.



"Thank you, Lord Bard. We're free because of you."

Sylvester looked around himself and noticed six ghostly bodies hovering nearby. Most of them were Tiger Beastkins. Some had no fur on their body but fluffy tails and ears instead. Some had furry bodies with no tails or ears. They were a mix of every possible outcome when a Beastkin and a human mingled.

But they were all dead, and Sylvester could guess who they were. 'The family of that trader Beastkin?'

"How did you get trapped in the first place?" He asked them, alerting Lady Aurora as she realised he was talking to ghosts. She, too, put her hand on him and looked around.

The souls appeared saddened as one of them spoke to him. She was a woman, old and with features of a real tigress. "My husband... poor Elyon. In his wrath, he likely used magic he didn't know the consequences of. The Soul Eater resided under our house for centuries, locked and secured--Elyon just let it come out by giving his own blood and soul in return for the promise of vengeance."

Sylvester sighed, understanding it was an artificial catastrophe. "Does that mean Elyon now has his soul back?"

The woman's ghost nodded, "Maybe. When he left that time, he was in a berserk state. Perhaps now, he will return to senses and come back... for we are still stuck in this world."

Lady Aurora chimed in, "Stuck? What do you mean? We can't have you all turn into creatures of the night."

The woman agreed, "Nor do we wish to. But we don't know what to do... where to go, or what must happen. We're confused and... angry."

Sylvester wondered what he could do and tried to look for answers in the various books he had read in his time. 'As far as I know, the only reason the souls of people that remain behind go foul is either for vengeance or a strong unfulfilled desire related to anything.'

"I think I know what should set you all free. So don't go anywhere and stay by my side. We shall soon head to the Baron who wronged you and bring him to justice." He spoke to them in an apologetic tone.

He didn't cause harm to them personally, but he was associated with the organisation that took everything from these innocent people. And for what?

Lady Aurora also reciprocated that feeling, "I apologise for what happened. None can reverse the time and fix what went wrong, but we sure can ensure the name of your family is spread far and wide in good faith, and those of the heathens are known for treachery."

Sylvester then stood up and adequately wrapped the cloth around his waist before he started walking on his own. "This was a tough battle... If we had failed, I can't even imagine the destruction it would have caused. The demon realm sure seems like the worst enemy of the Faith and our reality."

"Sadly, we don't consider it as that," Lady Aurora said, "Demons are rare, and they need to take over someone's body or soul first to take form. There are too many restrictions."

But Sylvester didn't underestimate it, "But they are still hellbent on reaching our world. It's only a matter of time before they figure something out. Perhaps we should also start investing in anti-demon magic research."

"They likely do it already... just without too much interest. Anyway, let's go. I feel tired right now. I can really use a good bath and some food."

Sylvester could agree with that wholeheartedly.

Though he wondered. "I wonder if everyone else also woke up."


As per Sylvester's orders, before he left to deal with the demon, all the saline bottles and needles were to be removed from the bodies. This was so that when people woke up, they didn't end up harming themselves due to shock.

Everyone had left the Monastery by the time the bright light started to rise from deep inside the village. The mist had gone away, and many could see the faint form of a giant monster at the top of the hill at the edge of the village, near the cliff.

Rows upon rows of unconscious bodies were resting on the ground as the Inquisitors & the remaining villagers set up the tents. Wives sat beside the bodies of their husbands; parents sat beside the bodies of their children; inquisitors sat beside their brothers in arms.

But all remained on their knees and prayed to the lord and the bright light shining.

"Ugh... mum?"

Suddenly, a woman heard the voice of her little son, a voice she had longed to hear for so long. She quickly opened her wet eyes and hugged the boy.

But a look around revealed she was not the only blessed one. Every unconscious body slowly rose up. Some old ones found it hard due to weakness, but most woke up. With that, many tears of joy and cheers of praise echoed.

"They did it!!" General Arnold took a breath of relief and fell back. He was planning on leading the army if no clear result appeared.

Slowly, the camp was overtaken with activities. People ran around to prepare watery porridge for those who woke up. Sylvester had already instructed them not to feed them anything too fatty or hard to digest, or they'd die from it. Most didn't understand the reasoning behind his words, but they accepted his command since he was the 'Wise Bard'.

Eventually, a few hours after the explosion of light in the village, two figures appeared on the horizon, coming towards the village. The Inquisitor moved fast with their stagecoach, having prepared for all scenarios.

"Please... sit in this." They quickly opened the door and let Sylvester and Lady Aurora sit down. Inside the stagecoach, there was also a healer who had brought some healing ointment potion.

Sylvester was not mortally injured since only a few deep burn wounds were visible on his back and shoulder. Instead, he was merely tired and in pain from the blood clot in his leg.

In no time, amidst all the fanfare, Sylvester arrived at the temporary camp. A large tent was already set up for him to rest.

But, as he walked towards it, the people gathered all around him. It even included those who had just woken up. They all kept their heads down in respect while simultaneously chanting one of his hymns.

It was mesmerising, to say the least. Their combined voices were melodious and awestriking. Sylvester appreciated it as such moments proved that his actions worked as he wanted. That he was gaining influence on minds.

"The village is safe now... the demon is gone," He announced loudly, "May the lord enlighten our futures."

"Amen!" The people boomed.

Sylvester then proceeded to his tent with Lady Aurora. However, the General was waiting for him there.

"Did we lose any men?" Sylvester questioned the first thing.

General Arnold nodded with a sad face, "Your treatment was definitely great. But sadly, as soon as a few old ones woke up, their bodies died from a heart attack. The eldest one hundred among the villagers have died this way."

Sylvester sighed and proceeded inside, "I expected this much. Ensure that their bodies are properly burnt. We don't want a bloodling to rise here later."


"Grand Crusader Sylvester Maximilian! Words from Inquisitor High Lord!"

Sylvester turned around and looked. A man in an Inquisitor Knight's clothing had appeared. "At last--what's the word?"

The knight spoke without looking Sylvester in the eye. "Archpriest, you are to remain here as Lord Inquisitor is coming to see you. He wishes to speak with you directly regarding the events surrounding the High Lady Murder conspiracy."

'What happened now? Can't I catch a break and have a good night's sleep?' Sylvester cursed in the head.

"Understood, but please return and tell the Lord Inquisitor to change routes and meet me at Baron Karl Rockwood's keep. I shall be there to punish the Crusader army that committed the highest order of heresy."

The knight saluted before turning around to leave. "Understood, Archpriest."

Left with the others, Sylvester again moved into the tent and rested on the bed. "I will be going to sleep and get some rest. General, start preparing to move out. It's time we erase the legacy of those who committed heresy. Prepare for Article 66."


GT = 1 Bonus chapter.

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.