Within mere seconds, Sylvester had killed three Knights and now rested in his arms the mudded and bloodied body of Sir Dolorem. The man's eyes appeared devoid of life--devoid of strength to survive.

"Chonky! Give me the crystals!... And what the hell happened to him?" He wondered while using the best of his healing magic to try to heal the large sword slashes and stabbing wounds on Sir Dolorem's torso.

Each wound went deeper than the other. Each one struck where life would quickly wither.

He looked at Sir Dolorem's current state, and there didn't appear to be anything on him other than a simple cloth covering his lower body. He was also completely covered in dried mud and what smelled like faeces.

"What the hell happened to you, man?" He muttered while fervently trying to keep him alive.

"Max! Ugh... what's that smell!" Felix arrived with the rest. "Fuck! Is that?"

Lady Aurora and Bishop Lazark, who were clearly better in healing, rushed to push Sylvester away and started healing Sir Dolorem. Lady Aurora knew the general spells, but Bishop Lazark was an expert, for he spent his entire life alone--having no one to rely on in times of peril.

"We need to clean him quickly and start sewing his wounds," Bishop exclaimed.

Lady Aurora quickly used her hands to create water and wash away the dirt from Sir Dolorem's body. Then, slowly, as the skin appeared clear, they realised how heavily injured he was.

"This is not good." Bishop Lazark exclaimed after patting around Sir Dolorem. "He has broken three ribs, one knee, an ankle and dislocated his left shoulder. There seems to be some injury to the skull as well--how he's even alive is beyond me."

"Let's head to the carriage and heal him there," Sylvester suggested, since they needed a clean environment to ensure the wounds didn't get infected.

"Pick him up." Bishop Lazark got up.

Sylvester created a hovering bed of solidified light. "Put him on it."

They delicately put the unconscious body on it and proceeded towards the carriage. They hurried as much as possible without harming Sir Dolorem since his organs were damaged too.

"I have an emergency kit for sewing wounds." Bishop Lazark hurried to his baggage.

Meanwhile, Sylvester started taking out some expensive Solarium crystals and fed Sir Dolorem one by one in pieces. The crystals would ensure that Sir Dolorem did not run out of Solarium in his body, which was as important as blood.

"Wait!" Sylvester stopped them. "Check the internal organs first. If they are bleeding, then we can't just seal the wounds."

He hurried close to help Bishop Lazark with his crude medical knowledge from modern times. They opened the wounds a little to see inside. But blood was flooding and stopped their vision.

'We don't have modern equipment. We can't afford to drain this blood out.' Sylvester thought and just put his hands over the deepest wounds and started to send out green light, which was the healing magic.

"We can't see the insides. Just try to heal the wounds with magic until we see the bleeding reducing." He suggested.

Lady Aurora objected, however. "We can't let him bleed more--we need to get him blood-replenishing potions. Or else, even your crystals won't save him."

'Damnit! I don't have any. I used all of them to save Countess Melinda the last time.' Sylvester cursed internally and tried to come up with something.

"Since the attackers were knights from the Gracia Royal family--it's suicide to enter Green City. Let's take the river! We can move faster on it, and the carriage can be brought to Holy Land by the two knights of Baron Strongarm!"

The Gold river flowed adjacent to the Green City and went into the Blood Sea, from where the Holy Land was just to the left, not far away. The strategy could work as the river was downstream for them, and with their magic, they could make the boat go faster.

"Where will we find a boat now?" Gabriel asked.

Sylvester looked in the distance, towards the south where the river was supposed to be. "I will take care of it. You all bring Sir Dolorem along to the shore."

"I will come with you." Felix got up quickly.

Sylvester didn't deny him and promptly left on foot, as horses were required for the carriage to move. Not to mention, the river was not too far. The Green Road was mainly built adjacent to the Gold River since the era of the Gold rush in the river.

With them gone, Gabriel quickly proceeded to help as well. "I know how to brew some low-level healing potions. I think I can make them with a few plants I saw outside. I will get them."

"Do it!" Bishop blurted. Any help would be appreciated right now.


Sylvester went straight to the south without much hope of finding a town or a village. His best bets were the boats already in the river going about their business.

"Felix! Don't be near me when I reach the river. Stay out of sight, as I will need to do an act." He ordered.

"What's the plan?"

"You'll see."

Sylvester soon found himself standing on the shore of the river. The river was deep and wide, as most of it was extensively dug for years in the past. He looked at the ongoing traffic. Every few minutes, a boat passed by, some small and some big, and all of them contained cargo as they were headed to River City.

'That one!'

He finally noticed a small boat with enough space for all of them. So he quickly started to sing a hymn and made the halo appear behind his head. That made him seem like a lighthouse beside the river.

Soon enough, the boat's owner noticed the marvel and couldn't help but proceed to him. He was, after all, a commoner. Seeing a man appearing so heavenly was like a boon from Solis.

Sylvester noticed him and started singing loudly in hymns.

♫O' son of the great Solis--hear the sermon.

Bask in this warmth and rid all your burden.

The time has come for you to determine.

Do you wish to be ignorant or memorise this hymn?♫

He made sure to make the man feel warm from his light to increase the effects.

♫Let go of your worldly possessions, your life and luxury.

It's time for your holy journey--for self-discovery.

Here, have this gold and for prophecy--prepare to behold.

It's time to head to Holy Land--by Solis, you've been told.♫

Sylvester took out a bag of gold from his robes and extended it to the man.

♫Make your choice, son of the lord--this or live in the eternal dark?

Are you prepared to make the sacrifice and leave a lasting mark?

Speak--O' son of god--will you stay or proceed to embark?♫

The man started to cry on his knees and accepted the bag of gold. "I--I will, holy Solis! I will... I will walk to the Holy Land right now! I am graced--I am blessed..."

Sylvester just nodded. The man, on all fours, crawled away in respect towards the road and then headed towards the Holy Land with a bag of gold.

Sylvester stopped singing, jumped onto the boat, and started throwing away all the goods from the shed on it. "Move on, Felix! We need to hurry."

"What was the need to do all that? He would have agreed to sell us the boat for the money anyway." Felix asked him while also throwing the goods.

"Ignorance is bliss, Felix. That man now believes that Solis told him to head to Holy Land on foot. If anyone asks him where he's going, he will answer as such--making all believe he's heading to Holy Land as a pilgrim for the upcoming Season of Solis. Remember--we do not want to alert the Green City."

After a while, the carriage also arrived. But when Sylvester saw that Sir Dolorem's condition was worsening, he quickened. "Move fast!"

Then he handed some gold to the two knights who would steer the carriage. "Remember, you must only start your journey tomorrow morning. So rest in the carriage for the night."

With that, he pushed the boat with the oar and made his way downstream. At the same time, Felix and Gabriel were putting runes at the back of the boat to create an airwave that would thrust the boat faster.

Lady Aurora reminded them of a problem, however. "How are we going to leave Green City? No boat or ship passes their shore without being checked."

Sylvester didn't think much about it anymore. "If that happens... then I'm afraid you will have to go all out, Lady Aurora. I don't believe they will have the guts to so openly attack a Guardian."

She could only nod in expectation of such an outcome. "I hope you're right, Archpriest."

Slowly, the boat made its way down the river and finally crossed the bridge beyond which was the Green City. One of the oldest cities in the world, spanning nearly an entire river delta. It boasted the most talented and sophisticated population of the higher class--where music, art and innovation were given importance. Unfortunately, however, all that was in decline at the moment.

"Everyone, ditch your armour and don clergy robes. Don't let them feel any hostility from us." Sylvester ordered.

They knew they could likely fight their way through, but they didn't wish to waste the precious time needed to save Sir Dolorem.

So, without questions, they started to take their armour off and patted clean the robes. Lady Aurora even put her rank plate on her chest--proudly showcasing a golden plate with six diamond bars of Grand Wizard on it.

"Ugh! There's traffic in the river." Felix cursed as he steered the boat.

They had arrived in a region of the river where Green City blocked boats and ships from moving using thick long metal chains going from one end of the river to the other. There were five different chains like these, creating four long stretches of river that would be blocked at a time in series.

They had no way but to get in line while the port managers and the river managers of the Green City checked each boat or ship one by one. They use specially enchanted little boots with wide circular wooden boards attached underneath to move around on the water with ease.

"Alright! So where are you heading?" Soon, a man appeared in light green robes, jumping onto their boat.

Sylvester stepped forward. "Greetings, fellow man of faith. We are returning to the Holy Land."

"From where?" The port manager asked without much interest.

"Why does that matter to you?" Lady Aurora stepped out all of a sudden. "Church business is confidential."

"Who do y–" The port manager shut up the moment his eyes rested on Lady Aurora's chest. They were ample, but the man was not aroused, instead frightened. "A-Ah... forgive my impudence... please wait. I will bring the clearance."

"Good." She just nodded with arms folded.

The man rushed back to the shore and entered one of the complex buildings. This granted them a moment to relax and hope.

"I believe that worked," Sylvester muttered. "Thank you, Lady Au–"

"Max! Come quick! Bring your weapons!" But all of a sudden, Felix's shout from the front of the boat interrupted him.

Sylvester quickly moved, jumping over the small shed and reaching the bow of the boat. He found Felix gawking. "What hap... This is bad!"

Sylvester cursed as he noticed the situation. The boats and ships around them appeared to be moving apart and creating space. But, at a glance, it was clear they were not doing it to let them go--but to allow someone to reach them.

"Arms up!" Sylvester roared. "Go all out!"


GT = 1 Bonus chapter.

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.